
Thankful for Get-Tos

My kids’ days are full of “have-tos.” They have to do their homework. They have to tidy their rooms, to wash their hands, to remember their things for school, and to help with the dishes. But they have plenty of “get-tos” as well.

Don’t Worry, Dad

In the early years when my parents were healthy it was just the pain of parting; but in later years when they were older, when Parkinson’s had robbed my father of an enjoyable life, the fear was always that I wouldn’t see him again.

Choosing Life

Ever Since I attended a conference at Presbyterian College, Montreal, in February, I’ve been thinking of how the church can continue to care for the sick and the dying, as it has for hundreds, perhaps 2,000 years. My journey has taken me to three places.

Christian Values

It increasingly appears as though Canadian values can no longer be automatically equated with Christian values. This is hardly breaking news, but for many in the church today, it comes as a nasty surprise.

Get To Know Me

Reconciliation. A long word with many meanings. A word that leads to many interpretations for many of us. As a residential school survivor that has been scarred by my residential school experience, my interpretation of that word is simple.