
Sent By God

Between 1888 and 1940, 185 Canadian missionaries risked their lives and came to Korea to deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ. Tutullian once said: “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”

Learning to Trust God

Henry Wildeboer, a pastor with the Christian Reformed Church, writes out of the crucible of 50 years of ministry experience and describes the many challenges and opportunities he faced in leading congregations to fulfil the great commission.

A Mysterious Disappearance

Squirrely had made his presence known by chasing the birds, leading Addy the Labrador on a merry chase among the spruce trees, or sitting on one of our bird feeders shucking sunflower seeds like some kind of maniacal machine. And then he was gone. We couldn’t figure it out.

A Church of Now

Like so many others my church is no longer a neighbourhood church, yet not quite something else either. It is locked in its physical location in search of an identity.

Great Expectations

I get great satisfaction from observing different cultures and attempting to learn from them. As this was my first visit to South America and to rare excursions beyond tourist areas and cruise ship ports, the experience was even richer.