
What is it Like to be Ninety?

In many ways I don’t feel any differently than I have for years. But of course, that’s on the inside. The “outside” of me, now that’s a different picture entirely and has nothing to do with being 90 and everything to do with being old.

A Band of Gentle Giants

Have you known a gentle giant? We tend to think of those people who are large enough to be intimidating and yet when we get to know them, gentle enough to be approachable and caring. I suppose when you think of it, this is how we experience life.

Love and Leviticus

Today’s reading from Leviticus 19 is a good example of the way the editors of the Revised Common Lectionary presume to know what’s best for us. They cut six verses of theo-politically incorrect stuff.

What I Learned at Camp

I learned that the teens who attended camp come back year after year and that most do not attend church on a regular basis and some never do. I heard that they like to come because this is the only place they learn about God.

Remember and Be Renewed

The word “remember” appears in the Bible hundreds of times. In studying the various occurrences, I began to see a deep connection to the spiritual renewal of God’s people, corporately and individually.

We Are the Church

When we talk about the church and social media, we’re not usually thinking about individual Christians who use social media. Yet don’t we like to say that the church is the people?

Church in Cyberspace

After a long media career, I turned to media theorist Marshall McLuhan, who early shaped my mindset, as I reflected on what we might call Numerical Decline Anxiety Syndrome in mainline churches.

Bedtime Prayers

My daughter makes sure we read from this book each and every evening— even on nights when she’s dawdled too much and the clock shows it’s bedtime past, she insists on reading a prayer before closing her eyes.

Discipline of Freedom

He was tall. You had to look up to him. His hand, when you shook it, reminded you he had once been a boxer, and, differently, that he and his fellow prisoners had been put to breaking rocks in the lime quarry on Robben Island.