
A Good Social Network

Rev. Dr. Chinchai Wang, noticed that Taiwanese seniors were isolated. They complained that Canada was a beautiful country but they were blind, mute, deaf and crippled. Their eyes did not understand English, their mouths could not speak English and they could not drive or get directions.

Powerful Love

Joseph’s love for Jesus was different. Not less, just a different kind of love. Mary carried Jesus inside her for nine months. She knew he was as much her flesh as he was God’s Son. Joseph’s love, however, is the tremendous, powerful love of adoption.

A Day in the Life

Overnight, the temperature had plummeted to far below freezing. Our shallow end of the lake must have frozen in an instant. I imagined it happening almost cartoon- like, perhaps to the sound of a single chime from a tinkle bell.

Not Just Baby Jesus

My two rural churches will open their doors to a good number of visitors this Christmas Eve. As our context becomes more and more secular and un-churched, there is a growing challenge for us to convey more than a partial story of the greatest event in history.

On Boundaries

When we are empty, there is nothing to give. Sometimes, from that empty state, we give anyway. This can lead to renewed energy in the short term: It’s refreshing to take our eyes off ourselves. After all, isn’t our purpose to serve?

Two Christmases

There are two Christmases. One is the Christian Christmas and the other is the secular Christmas. This winter festival still carries the Christmas name, and, for nostalgic reasons, still holds to many traditions. This is the tricky part for Christians.

Faith and the University

When I was a teenager, someone in my congregation gave me a dire warning about university. He made claws with his fingers and got a nasty look on his face. “They’re wolves,” he said. “And they will rip you apart. They’ll tear the Christian faith right out of you.”