
Everyday Samaritans

It is easy to see the heroism displayed by people who play a role in tragic or cataclysmic events. But what about those of us who live out our lives without finding ourselves in situations of danger? What does ordinary heroism (if we can call it that) look like?

A Journey to Justice

The young people looked at me and asked, “Moksanim (pastor), what good is the gospel if all it offers is life after death and does nothing to help us with this life, here and now?” I had no answer for them.

Francis’s Big Heart

What surprised not only Roman Catholics but the whole world were Pope Francis’s comments that the church needs to pay less attention to rules and morals and focus more on pastoral and social justice issues.

Being Without

I think of the early church out of Jerusalem with its clarity of message and transformative power. I think of our own church and congregations as we face the realities of a secular Canada.

When Peace Broke Out

A young German soldier climbs out of the trenches with a flag of truce and walks right into the gun sights of the other side. Soon men from both sides put down their weapons and walk into No Man’s Land as peace breaks out in the midst of war.