
A Lesson from Uncle Albert

Addy had been watching the geese and goslings from the window and when I opened the door she was out like a shot, a yellow streak launching herself through the air and into the lake like a torpedo. There was no doubt there were going to be serious causalities.

A Plea to the West

As Muslims in Canada, we have repeatedly called upon our fellow Muslims to publicly disavow all relationships with Islamists and Islamism, and to cooperate—without any hesitation—with law enforcement and security agencies of our home country, Canada.

All Are Valuable

I think it is important to anticipate a few of the challenges that might keep some of our ministers from participating in a spiritual community with their peers.

Union with Christ

I began this column in the Record last summer with an unapologetic affirmation of the centrality of Jesus Christ for our church’s faith and life, now and in the future. My last word is the same.