
The Future of Theological Colleges

Rev. Dr. John Vissers wrote in his moderatorial column about the future of the Presbyterian Church’s theological colleges. The Record invited the heads of the three colleges to share their thoughts on the future of theological education in our denomination.

The Path of Renewal

When we start talking about renewal lots of ideas (and even some old prejudices) come to mind. But at its core, renewal is God’s life-giving, restorative work. It transforms us little by little into Christ’s image and brings the world under Christ’s reign.

A New Thing

Everywhere I look in the church today, I see congregations struggling to survive. What, I ask myself, does this mean for God’s church? Has God abandoned the church?

Living Together in Diversity

At 81, Charles Taylor is still a handsome and impressive figure. Impressive also is his optimism about the possibilities of interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Clearly, he is concerned about the potential of a “clash of civilizations” in Canada.

Bearing Witness to Christ

The Assembly Council adopted a motion that asked the church to examine whether it is wise stewardship to support three colleges financially. I spoke in favour of the motion because I believe it is time to think about how our church can prepare its leaders more effectively and efficiently.