
Constructive Anxiety

Anxiety is a funny thing. Too much and you find yourself in an unfocused whirl. Too little and you become complacent and lethargic. Either way, you become unproductive. It’s the same for groups or institutions.

Assembly Council Budgets for 2014

The Assembly Council spent the bulk of its November meeting dealing with finances. It endorsed a number of changes to the church’s pension plan and approved a set of 10 “budget principles” to guide the creation of the national church’s 2014 budget.

Perpetual Immanence

Is there any other time of year that brings lingering family grievances into sharper focus? The pressure that builds around what should be a joyous time goes far beyond the stress of buying presents, attending too many parties and trying to get the house in order.

Renewal Has a Name

A part of Advent for me is trying to gain the perspective of the Hebrews as they waited in hope for their coming Messiah. I think we can learn a lot about “waiting in hope” from them.

The Foreigners

Many months we swayed over sand and scrub. The camels got ticks; our bodies got blisters. Twice, bandits robbed us of coin and food, but the treasure under our saddles was well hidden, destined for the One we sought.


St. Andrew’s, King Street, in Toronto, has reissued a1972 recording in which 10 choristers and organist/director Douglas Bodle present 17 hymns from the 1972 Book of Praise.

The God He Loves

Lawrence Brice presents an explanation (an apologetic) in a popular, thoughtful way that reveals why the faith of the Christian is satisfying in both rational and experiential ways.