
Connections at G.A.

General Assembly is a great place to meet up with people in our church we have come to know over our lifetime. I was so happy last night and again this morning to see people I have come to know from across our denomination over the years.

On the edge G.A. 138!

My name is Angela J. Cluney, and this is my second Assembly as a Commissioner. For some lucky reason, I am destined to attend Ontario Assemblies—first Ottawa and now Oshawa. I am originally from the Presbytery of Pictou in Nova Scotia, but I am now a member of the Presbytery of East Toronto.

Prayer Action

This is not an easy book to read. The topics are difficult, and the situations are meant to make you uncomfortable. But as I read it, I experienced an incredible feeling of God’s presence and I began to see answered prayers everywhere.

Longing For Faith

Faith is not a matter of dogma, doctrine and reason. It is based on experience—the experience which touches the roots of our being and transforms us. Throughout India, those old people I encountered came to Christianity because of illiterate men pulling rickshaws or on rickety bicycles.

Don’t Worry

I have found local congregations full of joy, while the “official” or political levels of our church seem to be fraught with worry.