
Crossing Generations

Let’s plan to be radically countercultural in how we encourage faith development. Let’s cross the generations as we learn and grow together so that seniors, millennials, children and youth teach and learn from one another. Hardly radical, you say? I believe it is.

Try Different Things

It’s easy to become inward looking—concerned more about how we feel than how newcomers feel; concerned more about our buildings than about building a community where people experience God’s love through our deeds.

Dwell, Work, Be with God

Rev. Joel Sherbino was once sitting in a conference. This is how he tells it: “The whole conference was based around this one question: ‘If your church were to disappear tomorrow, would anyone in the community notice or even care?”

Reborn Leadership

Some would say that the Church is dying out and failing in the 21st century, at least in the Canadian context. But is something else happening besides failure?

A Closed Triangle

This is a snapshot of a typical Protestant congregation today, which is likely to have more people attending on a Sunday who have no strong denominational ties.

Secrets and Lies

“It’s like God has been looking out for me,” she wrote. “I don’t know why God does this. I’m feeling so worthless and so down because once again, I’ve been lied to, and humiliated.”