
Preaching Grace

“The witness of the New Testament is not a soloist, it’s a choir” and “all voices are important if we are to understand the fullness of Jesus,” says Thomas Long.

Supply & Demand

From 1994 to 2015, there were 642 new entrants into ministry within the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Currently, 369, or 58 per cent, are still active on the rolls of presbyteries.

Pastor Theologians

Being a minister is stressful. In part the stress arises from what M. Craig Barnes, president of Princeton Theological Seminary, describes as “confusion about what it means to be a pastor.”

Born Again

Some question if the Christian church in the West is dying out in this century. In the Canadian context, across denominations, the church appears to be shrinking in almost every way—in our small Presbytery of Kamloops alone, two out of 10 congregations closed in 2015.

The Encouragement Tour

“I would say the vast majority of ministers are sincere; they are unhappy; they are discouraged. They’re often stuck in feeling they’re limited in terms of what they can do in their ministry. So, it’s hopelessness that permeates more and more of their life.”

It Takes Faith

Joining the Healing and Reconciliation Committee couldn’t have come at a worse time for me. I was just starting the legal process for my residential school claim against the church.

What We’re Really Talking About

“This is about more than sex. This is about: What is God? What is God’s character? What is sin? It affects our doctrine of God. It affects our doctrine of sin. It affects our doctrine of scripture.”


Easter comes and goes too quickly. After Lent’s long weeks and all the services of Holy Week, Easter feels as short as an Ottawa springtime. What if we could take more time and think of Easter not as a Sunday but as a season?

Give it to God

What do you do when you are wrestling with a big problem and you feel overwhelmed with anger and frustration either from your inability to resolve the issue or because others can’t see it the way you see it so very clearly?