
A Hymn for Haiti

An American Presbyterian pastor has penned a moving hymn to unite churches in sharing grief and pain with the people of Haiti in the wake of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated the nation’s capital city on Jan. 12.

Hear the Word of God

The challenge, the delight, of “doing radio” alone in a darkened studio is to make listeners of those who only hear. Dictionaries are a little ambiguous about my hair splitting, but when the reader proclaims: “Hear the word of God,” I think “listen to God’s word” might be more fruitful instruction.

Worship and Play

Sometimes I wonder where Presbyterians are the most playful—and self-revealing. I’m not convinced that it’s when we worship… Was that a logical leap? Blame it on the New Year’s egg-nog. Or blame it on our Presbyterian thesaurus that doesn’t put “worship” and “play” together.

How Do You Pray?

The dawning new year seems a moment that needs prayer as we face the unkown ahead. I suppose there is a course about prayer I could sign up for somewhere and maybe it would be helpful, like consulting a golf pro about my backswing.