People & Places

Grace, Calgary, AB

Colin Redekop has been appointed the new Director of Music at Grace, Calgary, following the retirement of his predecessor, Glenn Potter who held the position for 26 years. Redekop was welcomed in the sanctuary along with Chelan Hoffman, Organ Scholar, at a commissioning service last September at the morning service. Redekop and Chellan Hoffman are shown with the Rev. Victor Kim Senior Minister at Grace at a reception held following morning service.

Colin Redekop has been appointed the new Director of Music at Grace, Calgary, following the retirement of his predecessor, Glenn Potter who held the position for 26 years. Redekop was welcomed in the sanctuary along with Chelan Hoffman, Organ Scholar, at a commissioning service last September at the morning service. Redekop and Chellan Hoffman are shown with the Rev. Victor Kim Senior Minister at Grace at a reception held following morning service.

London, ON

Strange But True: Percy, a most Presbyterian Bear, visited several Presbyterian families in London, Ont., spreading Christmas cheer as only a good Presbyterian can. There are rumours sonnets are being written, even an epic or two. Have yours ready, in case Percy comes knocking on your door later this year.

Strange But True: Percy, a most Presbyterian Bear, visited several Presbyterian families in London, Ont., spreading Christmas cheer as only a good Presbyterian can. There are rumours sonnets are being written, even an epic or two. Have yours ready, in case Percy comes knocking on your door later this year.

Knox, Burlington, ON

Jackie Robinson, front and centre, is seen with the Knox, Burlington, Ont., choir, of which she has been a member for 50 years. She is the current choir president but her service to the church extends well beyond the choir to many other areas. She also recently received a medal of distinction from the Royal School of Church Music in the UK. Gathered with her for this photograph are the choir, along with Dr. Peter Hanson, organist and choir director, in the back row, and Carolyn McNiven, clerk of session, on the far right, front row.

Jackie Robinson, front and centre, is seen with the Knox, Burlington, Ont., choir, of which she has been a member for 50 years. She is the current choir president but her service to the church extends well beyond the choir to many other areas. She also recently received a medal of distinction from the Royal School of Church Music in the UK. Gathered with her for this photograph are the choir, along with Dr. Peter Hanson, organist and choir director, in the back row, and Carolyn McNiven, clerk of session, on the far right, front row.

St. Paul’s, Glammis, ON

St. Paul's, Glammis Ont., celebrated its 150th anniversary last September. Session is shown with Rev. Shelly Butterfield Kocis. From left to right Steve Eby, Stan Eby, Ron Thompson, Rev. Shelly, Eileen Simpson, Eileen Alexander and Ken B. MacLean.

St. Paul’s, Glammis Ont., celebrated its 150th anniversary last September. Session is shown with Rev. Shelly Butterfield Kocis. From left to right Steve Eby, Stan Eby, Ron Thompson, Rev. Shelly, Eileen Simpson, Eileen Alexander and Ken B. MacLean.

Knox, North Easthope, ON

The Harts made their farm available again for the annual summer extravaganza in honour of Knox, North Easthope, Ont. There was a barbeque, a petting zoo, music and lawn mower relay races. The latter was won by these fine Presbyterians: Ian Frede, Cameron Hart, David Hart and Josh Wellstood. And the fun had a real purpose: It was a fundraiser for Canadian Food Grains Bank. The $5,200 raised will be increased four-fold by the Canadian International Development Agency.

The Harts made their farm available again for the annual summer extravaganza in honour of Knox, North Easthope, Ont. There was a barbeque, a petting zoo, music and lawn mower relay races. The latter was won by these fine Presbyterians: Ian Frede, Cameron Hart, David Hart and Josh Wellstood. And the fun had a real purpose: It was a fundraiser for Canadian Food Grains Bank. The $5,200 raised will be increased four-fold by the Canadian International Development Agency.

St. John’s, Pugwash, NS

[caption id="attachment_2834" align="alignnone" width="445" caption="Betty Langille, Jean Nelson and Elizabeth Allen, St. John\'s, Pugwash, N.S., packing Shoe Boxes for needy children in the Ivory Coast."]Betty Langille, Jean Nelson and Elizabeth Allen, St. John's, Pugwash, N.S., packing Shoe Boxes for needy children in the Ivory Coast.[/caption]

Betty Langille, Jean Nelson and Elizabeth Allen, St. John’s, Pugwash, N.S., packing Shoe Boxes for needy children in the Ivory Coast.

Cluj, Romania

It was a pleasure to host twelve ladies from the WMS in Romania for three days as part of their tour to Eastern Europe focusing on the Hungarian Reformed Church. The tour started and ended in Hungary but also included Ukraine and Croatia.

It was a pleasure to host twelve ladies from the WMS in Romania for three days as part of their tour to Eastern Europe focusing on the Hungarian Reformed Church. The tour started and ended in Hungary but also included Ukraine and Croatia.

Fallingbrook, Scarborough, ON

[caption id="attachment_2814" align="alignnone" width="220" caption="Fallingbrook, Scarborough, Ont., celebrated its 60th anniversary last year by raising their voices in song. You can share in that joy by purchasing that CD, Let The Church Rejoice. Seen celebrating these landmarks - anniversary and the CD - are organist and choir director Gerry Dimnik and choir president Cathy Farintosh."]Fallingbrook, Scarborough, Ont., celebrated its 60th anniversary last year by raising their voices in song. You can share in that joy by purchasing that CD, <em>Let The Church Rejoice</em>. Seen celebrating these landmarks - anniversary and the CD - are organist and choir director Gerry Dimnik and choir president Cathy Farintosh.[/caption]

Fallingbrook, Scarborough, Ont., celebrated its 60th anniversary last year by raising their voices in song. You can share in that joy by purchasing that CD, Let The Church Rejoice. Seen celebrating these landmarks – anniversary and the CD – are organist and choir director Gerry Dimnik and choir president Cathy Farintosh.

Kingston, ON

It was an historic day for the Presbytery of Kingston as Rev. Kate Jordan, centre, was installed as the first female moderator of the presbytery at their September meeting held in St. Andrew's, West Huntington by outgoing moderator, Mr. Mike Mundell and interim moderator, Rev. Wendy Lampman.

It was an historic day for the Presbytery of Kingston as Rev. Kate Jordan, centre, was installed as the first female moderator of the presbytery at their September meeting held in St. Andrew’s, West Huntington by outgoing moderator, Mr. Mike Mundell and interim moderator, Rev. Wendy Lampman.

Living Faith Community, Baxter, ON

Living Faith Community, Baxter, Ont, recently celebrated its first anniversary in its new building! The congregation moved into its new church home on Thanksgiving Sunday 2007 after worshiping for four years in the local public school. The congregation was formed following the amalgamation of the former Baxter and Cookstown Presbyterian Church in 2004. Pictured are Rev. Doug Johns (guest preacher, former Interim Moderator), Minister Rev. Heather Malnick, and Pastoral Care Coordinator Larry Brolley.

Living Faith Community, Baxter, Ont, recently celebrated its first anniversary in its new building! The congregation moved into its new church home on Thanksgiving Sunday 2007 after worshiping for four years in the local public school. The congregation was formed following the amalgamation of the former Baxter and Cookstown Presbyterian Church in 2004. Pictured are Rev. Doug Johns (guest preacher, former Interim Moderator), Minister Rev. Heather Malnick, and Pastoral Care Coordinator Larry Brolley.

Bethel, Dederton, ON

Two memorial gifs were recently dedicated at Bethel, Dederton, Ont. One, a memorial garden in memory of Helen McNaughton. Her husband Jim is seen pictured in the garden. And, in memory of Peter McNaughton, twelve apostolic shields, carved by Bethel members Wayne Kennedy and Rick Smith. Pictured below the shields are the McNaughtons: Suzanne, Debbie, David, Irene, Donald and Kathy Fulton.

Two memorial gifs were recently dedicated at Bethel, Dederton, Ont. One, a memorial garden in memory of Helen McNaughton. Her husband Jim is seen pictured in the garden. And, in memory of Peter McNaughton, twelve apostolic shields, carved by Bethel members Wayne Kennedy and Rick Smith. Pictured below the shields are the McNaughtons: Suzanne, Debbie, David, Irene, Donald and Kathy Fulton.

Atlantic Synod

You can't party enough when celebrating your centenary. The Order of Diaconal Ministries cracked open the cake at the Atlantic Synod in October. At the cake are Rev. Shirley F. Murdock and Rev. Cheryl MacFadyen. Looking on are Synod moderator Rev. Dr. John Crawford and Rev. Bonnie Wynn of New Brunswick. Look for more Diaconal centenary news next month.

You can’t party enough when celebrating your centenary. The Order of Diaconal Ministries cracked open the cake at the Atlantic Synod in October. At the cake are Rev. Shirley F. Murdock and Rev. Cheryl MacFadyen. Looking on are Synod moderator Rev. Dr. John Crawford and Rev. Bonnie Wynn of New Brunswick. Look for more Diaconal centenary news next month.

St. Timothy’s, Newmarket, ON

What were three angels doing at St. Timothy's on Thanksgiving Sunday 2008? The Angels of Thanksgiving Present, Past and Future were among the large cast participating in the drama, Thanksgiving is Thanksliving, written and produced by June Stevenson. The angels helped the minister, the Rev. Dennis Cook, pictured first row, right, to see the many things he and the congregation have to be thankful for.

What were three angels doing at St. Timothy’s on Thanksgiving Sunday 2008? The Angels of Thanksgiving Present, Past and Future were among the large cast participating in the drama, Thanksgiving is Thanksliving, written and produced by June Stevenson. The angels helped the minister, the Rev. Dennis Cook, pictured first row, right, to see the many things he and the congregation have to be thankful for.

St. John’s, Medicine Hat, AB

Medicine Hat was just a hamlet when the first Presbyterian congregation met in G. F. Tupper's tent store on June 3, 1883. (Alberta wasn't yet a province.) Lina Flaig, a couple of years shy of her centenary, started attending St. John's in 1912. One Hundred and Twenty-Five years later, the church flourishes.

Medicine Hat was just a hamlet when the first Presbyterian congregation met in G. F. Tupper’s tent store on June 3, 1883. (Alberta wasn’t yet a province.) Lina Flaig, a couple of years shy of her centenary, started attending St. John’s in 1912. One Hundred and Twenty-Five years later, the church flourishes.

Caroline Bishop

The <em>Record</em>'s designer Caroline Bishop has brought a lot of verve and energy to the magazine's pages the past two years. She has helped to change the look and feel of the publication. But not as radically as Alex, the young man in her arms, has changed her life. Here's a sleep-deprived but ecstatically happy mom with her five-week old.

The Record‘s designer Caroline Bishop has brought a lot of verve and energy to the magazine’s pages the past two years. She has helped to change the look and feel of the publication. But not as radically as Alex, the young man in her arms, has changed her life. Here’s a sleep-deprived but ecstatically happy mom with her five-week old.

Greenbrier, Brantford, ON

Celebrating your 50th, like Greenbrier, Brantford, Ont.? You'll need cake - check. The rest just falls into place; sort of. From left, one of younger members of the congregation, Tim Young and beside him the moderator of the last general assembly Rev. Cheol Soon Park and Rev. Donald N. Young. The rest of this group are charter members: Helen Bradfield, Eleanor Foreman, Mary King, Allan Brunsden, Don Bradfield, Ann Vaughan and Lloyd Vaughan.

Celebrating your 50th, like Greenbrier, Brantford, Ont.? You’ll need cake – check. The rest just falls into place; sort of. From left, one of younger members of the congregation, Tim Young and beside him the moderator of the last general assembly Rev. Cheol Soon Park and Rev. Donald N. Young. The rest of this group are charter members: Helen Bradfield, Eleanor Foreman, Mary King, Allan Brunsden, Don Bradfield, Ann Vaughan and Lloyd Vaughan.