
A Little Guarded

Two stalwart members walked by and one said to the other, “I think I’ll sit beside you today, somebody’s sitting in my pew.” I could see the couples’ shoulders tense.

Green Fields

Congregations want change without changing; they want young members without making room for them. More than one clerical career has crashed against lazy and desperate congregational expectations. So, the best way to revitalize a church is to start from the beginning.

The Wide Boulevard

Letter One: “I did not know that the Presbyterian Record and staff are supporters of the Liberal Party of Canada by having political articles in there [sic] magazine.”

Counting Contradictions

“If you come to Hungary, do not take our jobs,” the government billboards scream—in Hungarian—a language Syrians cannot read. “If you come to Hungary, obey our laws.” No outsiders welcome; at least not at the cost of the insiders.

The Long Goodbye

We are living longer. Over the course of 50 years, the average lifespan has increased in Canada by a decade. But … a longer life is not necessarily a better life.

Human Connections

Hungary has been running a billboard campaign—in Hungarian, which the refugees couldn’t possibly understand—with slogans like, “If you come to Hungary, don’t take the jobs of Hungarians,” and, “If you come to Hungary, you have to keep our laws.”

Faces on the Road

A small small handful say “no photo” or “camera no.” But the vast majority pose for the photos and if you ask them they are eager to talk to you. You approach a person, they don’t speak English, but they call out to one in their group who does.