
Update from Serbia

These are a few shots around the township of Magyarkanizsa, Serbia, which as its name suggests has a large Hungarian population. Starting earlier this summer, thousands of people from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Pakistan, arrived in this community.

Desperate Rituals

July I went to a Dionysian wedding. Dionysian?, you ask. Sure; that’s what they said. It was an attempt to create a new ritual where confidence and faith in old rituals had disappeared.

Disagreeing Friends

As a liberal I’m very critical of the smugness of liberals. As a liberal I’m also critical of the holier-than-thouness of evangelicals. Both these poses drive me absolutely batty.

Two Dozen Overtures on Sexuality

Eighteen sessions and six presbyteries have filed overtures for discussion at this year’s General Assembly on the issue of human sexuality. This volume of response is without precedence in the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Sustaining Missions

Management, marketing and money—how can church-run missions and seminary-trained executive directors complete in the world of charities?

The Art of Christ’s Passion

Ubiquitous in Roman Catholic churches, the Stations of the Cross are a visual representation of Christ’s Passion, with a dozen or so paintings of biblical passages arranged as a meditative pilgrimage.

Green Famine

From the famine of three decades ago, through many political machinations and foreign investment, a new modern Ethiopian economy has been growing.

Rest and Respond

I spent some time in January reading the11 issues of last year’s Record. Perhaps it was the frame of mind I was in but I noted a narrative that echoed from issue to issue.

Beyond Words

Western art, historically entwined with the Church, has moved on to other themes. Or perhaps the Church has lost interest in the contemporary world.

Numbed and Helpless

I didn’t know how to feel—I felt indignant, angry, frustrated, sad and ultimately helpless to respond appropriately. I wonder if there is an appropriate response as a person of faith, as a Christian, as a Canadian Presbyterian?

Blessed Are Your Ears

A bad actor only “acts” when speaking and goes dead when they have no lines. A good actor is most alive on stage when they have no dialogue. May I be so bold as to say that you and I, and most of us in our denomination, are really bad actors?