Amy Maclachlan

Don Elliott's gift

A love of nature led the late Don Elliott and his wife, Heather to ensure a rare and mature seven-hectare woodlot in southern Ontario's Oro Moraine was conserved and protected for future generations. Known as Elliott Woods, the land was donated to the Couchiching Conservancy in November 2006, whose mandate is to uphold the natural features of the forest while sharing it with the community. It's exactly what Don Elliott had hoped for the area.

Council Readies for Assembly

Rev. Dr. Hans Kouwenberg told Assembly Council, at its pre-General Assembly meeting in March, that the Aboriginal and Church Leaders' Tour on which he represented the Presbyterian Church was “one of the most phenomenal experiences of my life.” The Church's healing and reconciliation animator, Lori Ransom, reported that the turn-out for all four stops along the Canadian tour exceeded expectations (with about 1,500 people attending). There was strong Aboriginal participation, and it was a true step forward in having these two groups “walk together.”

Ministers Mix It Up

Denominational lines are changing. In recent years, they've become more porous than ever, where people easily move through quickly dissolving boundaries, searching for the right fit. And it's not only members who migrate throughout and within this post-denominational society; ministers are doing the same. This migration may simply be the natural order of things, or it might also be dependent on theological issues, like gay marriage and ordination, or on other very personal reasons.

Formulating Identity

“We have to re-formulate our identity,” Rev. Daniel Cho told the Life and Mission Agency Committee in March. “And how it is articulated and communicated to ourselves and others, because that perception will reflect and influence our work.”

Home Grown Picnic

Congregations can become aware of their environment and reduce their dependence on oil and fossil fuels with the help of KAIROS' Re-energize Campaign. Supported by the Presbyterian Church, KAIROS has created an initiative to educate, inspire and assist congregations, groups and individuals to take action. One of the most practical – and fun – suggestions is a 100-mile congregational meal.

Presbyterians Continue Sharing

Presbyterians Sharing … contributions were down slightly from 2006, but have surpassed givings for the three years before that. The final tally for 2007 is $8,734,120 – with almost $2 million of that received during the first two weeks of January.

Regional Staff Provide a Helping Hand

Who do congregations call when they have a problem, need assistance, or are seeking information? Regional staff, of course. Highly trained and deeply motivated, the 14 regional staff across the country encounter little they aren't capable of tackling. “I offer support, workshops, resource material and consultations among congregations and presbyteries in matters such as strategic planning, natural church development, elders, congregational and pastoral care, conflict resolution, evangelism and mission outreach, and session and presbytery retreats,” said Wayne Stretch, regional minister with the Synod of B.C. “I also support and encourage new church development and renewing church strategies, and offer pastoral care and support to clergy and other church professionals within the synod.”

The Helping Team

A new department has been launched at national offices, designed to quickly and easily provide resources and leadership, answer questions, and otherwise aid congregations and individuals in their work. Dubbed The Vine Helpline: Connecting People, Places and Programs, the department was officially launched in mid-January, and uses volunteers, national staff, and resource people stationed across Canada.

Council Plans for Diversity

The Assembly Council met in November, and Aboriginal issues were discussed in various ways. Lisbeth Duncan, convener, and former moderator Wilma Welsh reported on a trip to the Medicine Eagle Retreat and Healing Place in Manitoba. They were invited along with the PCC's Healing and Reconciliation Animator, Lori Ransom, and staff from Winnipeg Inner City Mission, to talk, forge friendships, and learn about life on the reserve.

Health and Hope

The health of the Presbyterian Church was an unofficial theme at the November meeting of the Life and Mission Agency committee, as the convener, Rev. Daniel Cho, began the meeting with an Arab proverb: “He who has health, has hope. He who has hope, has everything.”

UN Adopts Rights of Indigenous Peoples

A United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples passed in September is “fundamentally flawed and lacks clear, practical guidance for implementation,” according to Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and Maxime Bernier, Minister of Foreign Affairs in a press release. “It also does not recognize Canada's need to balance indigenous rights to lands and resources with the rights of others.” Canada along with the United States, Australia and New Zealand declined to sign.

Healthy Turnout for Trinity

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Oro, appears to be on its way to rebuilding its congregation. More than 190 adults, along with eight volunteers and 50 children, attended the first service following the departure of more than 1,000 worshippers to former minister Rev. Carey Nieuwhof's Connexus Community Church. Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. led by weekly guest ministers. A children's program is provided, a youth program is being developed, and small groups should soon be functioning.

Oro Decision Delayed

The Presbytery of Barrie has delayed deciding whether to dissolve the congregation of Trinity, Oro, until February. In August, most of the congregation of the church, about 100 kilometers north of Toronto, decided to leave the denomination and form a new non-denominational church.

Lost Pilgrims Launch New CD

The Presbyterian Church's very own Lost Pilgrims have just released a CD. The self-titled debut is a mix of folk, country gospel, bluegrass and old rock, with covers of people like Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello and Hoagie Carmichael.