
Fire response

ENI – Australian religious leaders have committed to a unified response to the devastating bushfires that have seared across southeast Australia, particularly the state of Victoria.

Hold Together

ENI – Immigrants and minorities in affluent countries are becoming targets of exclusion as the global economic system faces strains, warned Rev. Setri Nyomi, a Presbyterian from Ghana and general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, at a meeting on February 19.

Right to Water

ENI – Churches in Brazil have backed a provision in the newly-passed Bolivian constitution describing water as a “fundamental human right” that may not be controlled by private companies and they say other nations should follow suit.

Take a break

Fair Trade Resource Network – An American fair trade advocacy group is hoping people will take a fair trade ‘coffee break’ on World Fair Trade Day, May 9.


As a Christian minister I am involved in community here in Camrose, Alberta. My wife teaches high school to young single mothers who are marginalized by many who never bother to meet these young women. The name “Obama” has become symbolic of hope and an “I can do it,” attitude for the people with whom my wife and I work. What saddens me is that the name “Jesus” is more often viewed as symbolic of repression and judgment.