Glenn Inglis

Order and Harmony

Cliff Parnell/istockphoto

One Saturday morning – at 7 a. m. – I found myself standing before an immaculately dressed and cheerful bride and groom as they prepared to take their marriage vows. I remarked to the congregation that this was the only time I had ever married anyone before breakfast. I also asked the wedding party if they had slept standing up as they were all so handsome and beautiful. No answer. But it was not atypical of Saturday mornings at Malawi's largest congregation, St. Columba's, during the wedding season – the dry months from May to October. And every wedding is the same – same music, same procession, same Scripture and vows. Only the bright young faces are different. People spend months planning weddings so that they can be exactly the same as every other wedding.

Atlantic Synod

You can't party enough when celebrating your centenary. The Order of Diaconal Ministries cracked open the cake at the Atlantic Synod in October. At the cake are Rev. Shirley F. Murdock and Rev. Cheryl MacFadyen. Looking on are Synod moderator Rev. Dr. John Crawford and Rev. Bonnie Wynn of New Brunswick. Look for more Diaconal centenary news next month.

You can’t party enough when celebrating your centenary. The Order of Diaconal Ministries cracked open the cake at the Atlantic Synod in October. At the cake are Rev. Shirley F. Murdock and Rev. Cheryl MacFadyen. Looking on are Synod moderator Rev. Dr. John Crawford and Rev. Bonnie Wynn of New Brunswick. Look for more Diaconal centenary news next month.

St. Timothy’s, Newmarket, ON

What were three angels doing at St. Timothy's on Thanksgiving Sunday 2008? The Angels of Thanksgiving Present, Past and Future were among the large cast participating in the drama, Thanksgiving is Thanksliving, written and produced by June Stevenson. The angels helped the minister, the Rev. Dennis Cook, pictured first row, right, to see the many things he and the congregation have to be thankful for.

What were three angels doing at St. Timothy’s on Thanksgiving Sunday 2008? The Angels of Thanksgiving Present, Past and Future were among the large cast participating in the drama, Thanksgiving is Thanksliving, written and produced by June Stevenson. The angels helped the minister, the Rev. Dennis Cook, pictured first row, right, to see the many things he and the congregation have to be thankful for.

St. John’s, Medicine Hat, AB

Medicine Hat was just a hamlet when the first Presbyterian congregation met in G. F. Tupper's tent store on June 3, 1883. (Alberta wasn't yet a province.) Lina Flaig, a couple of years shy of her centenary, started attending St. John's in 1912. One Hundred and Twenty-Five years later, the church flourishes.

Medicine Hat was just a hamlet when the first Presbyterian congregation met in G. F. Tupper’s tent store on June 3, 1883. (Alberta wasn’t yet a province.) Lina Flaig, a couple of years shy of her centenary, started attending St. John’s in 1912. One Hundred and Twenty-Five years later, the church flourishes.

Caroline Bishop

The <em>Record</em>'s designer Caroline Bishop has brought a lot of verve and energy to the magazine's pages the past two years. She has helped to change the look and feel of the publication. But not as radically as Alex, the young man in her arms, has changed her life. Here's a sleep-deprived but ecstatically happy mom with her five-week old.

The Record‘s designer Caroline Bishop has brought a lot of verve and energy to the magazine’s pages the past two years. She has helped to change the look and feel of the publication. But not as radically as Alex, the young man in her arms, has changed her life. Here’s a sleep-deprived but ecstatically happy mom with her five-week old.

Greenbrier, Brantford, ON

Celebrating your 50th, like Greenbrier, Brantford, Ont.? You'll need cake - check. The rest just falls into place; sort of. From left, one of younger members of the congregation, Tim Young and beside him the moderator of the last general assembly Rev. Cheol Soon Park and Rev. Donald N. Young. The rest of this group are charter members: Helen Bradfield, Eleanor Foreman, Mary King, Allan Brunsden, Don Bradfield, Ann Vaughan and Lloyd Vaughan.

Celebrating your 50th, like Greenbrier, Brantford, Ont.? You’ll need cake – check. The rest just falls into place; sort of. From left, one of younger members of the congregation, Tim Young and beside him the moderator of the last general assembly Rev. Cheol Soon Park and Rev. Donald N. Young. The rest of this group are charter members: Helen Bradfield, Eleanor Foreman, Mary King, Allan Brunsden, Don Bradfield, Ann Vaughan and Lloyd Vaughan.

St. Andrew’s, Ross, ON

As they say: A picture is worth a thousand words. This one tells the whole story. All you need to know are the names of the two smiley faces: Rev. Patricia Van Gelder and moderator of the last general assembly, Rev. Cheol Soon Park. Oh, and, that would be St. Andrew's, Ross, Ont., part of a two-point charge with St. Andrew's, Cobden.

As they say: A picture is worth a thousand words. This one tells the whole story. All you need to know are the names of the two smiley faces: Rev. Patricia Van Gelder and moderator of the last general assembly, Rev. Cheol Soon Park. Oh, and, that would be St. Andrew’s, Ross, Ont., part of a two-point charge with St. Andrew’s, Cobden.

First, Chatham, ON

Good news often travels with company: take the story of First, Chatham, Ont. Katherine Lee has been a member there for 60 of the church's 174 years. And, Rev. Mike Maroney is happy to celebrate both events - as is that cake.

Good news often travels with company: take the story of First, Chatham, Ont. Katherine Lee has been a member there for 60 of the church’s 174 years. And, Rev. Mike Maroney is happy to celebrate both events – as is that cake.

Knox, Georgetown, ON

Back in the spring, The Record carried a photograph of Rev. Jim Cooper, Rev. Peter Barrow, and  former Clerk of Session, Ron Gable, entering with the haggis at the Burns Supper held at Knox Presbyterian Church in Georgetown.  It was read by Melba McEachren in London, Ontario, who picked up on the name Ron Gable as she remembered a cute little 8 year old Sunday School member by that name.  She made a phone call to Knox in Georgetown, and as a result, she and Ron got together recently, after a period of 65 years.  Melba Baird was a 17 year old Sunday School teacher at Chalmers Presbyterian Church in Uxbridge, and the 8 year old Ron was a member of her class.  In 1944, when she graduated from high school, she left Uxbridge, became a teacher, got married, but always retained her Presbyterian Church connection.  When Ron started his business career, he also moved on, got married, but he too always retained a Presbyterian Church connection.  This September, Ron and Evy drove to London, Ontario, the home of Melba and Colin McEachren, where they renewed that long ago association, with a most enjoyable luncheon and visit.  It really is still a small world.

Back in the spring, The Record carried a photograph of Rev. Jim Cooper, Rev. Peter Barrow, and former Clerk of Session, Ron Gable, entering with the haggis at the Burns Supper held at Knox Presbyterian Church in Georgetown. It was read by Melba McEachren in London, Ontario, who picked up on the name Ron Gable as she remembered a cute little 8 year old Sunday School member by that name. She made a phone call to Knox in Georgetown, and as a result, she and Ron got together recently, after a period of 65 years. Melba Baird was a 17 year old Sunday School teacher at Chalmers Presbyterian Church in Uxbridge, and the 8 year old Ron was a member of her class. In 1944, when she graduated from high school, she left Uxbridge, became a teacher, got married, but always retained her Presbyterian Church connection. When Ron started his business career, he also moved on, got married, but he too always retained a Presbyterian Church connection. This September, Ron and Evy drove to London, Ontario, the home of Melba and Colin McEachren, where they renewed that long ago association, with a most enjoyable luncheon and visit. It really is still a small world.

Duff’s, Aberfoyle, ON

A Teddies for Tragedies tea was held at Duff's, Aberfoyle, Ont., in October. One Thousand, Two Hundred and Three bears were donated along with all the bears that came in during the year.  Mary Gatshene (left) is a nurse from Kitchener, who went to El Salvador with Short Term Medical Group. She said the Teddies were a great help when treating children. Liz McCrindle (middle) is co-ordinator of Teddies for Tragedies. And, Helen Stewart (right) is a teacher from Milverton who went to Nicaragua with Presbyterians Aiding Nicaragua. She said some children there have never had a doll before.

A Teddies for Tragedies tea was held at Duff’s, Aberfoyle, Ont., in October. One Thousand, Two Hundred and Three bears were donated along with all the bears that came in during the year.

Mary Gatshene (left) is a nurse from Kitchener, who went to El Salvador with Short Term Medical Group. She said the Teddies were a great help when treating children. Liz McCrindle (middle) is co-ordinator of Teddies for Tragedies. And, Helen Stewart (right) is a teacher from Milverton who went to Nicaragua with Presbyterians Aiding Nicaragua. She said some children there have never had a doll before.

St. Andrew’s, Victoria, BC

St. Andrew's current minister, Rev. Ian Victor accepting the awards.

In the photo: St. Andrew’s current minister, Rev. Ian Victor accepting the awards.

St. Andrew’s, Victoria was the winner of two awards last year, both related to the church’s historic relationship with British Columbia’s Chinese population. It received two Golden Mountain Achievement Awards from the 150th anniversary of Chinese in Canada Committee because the Presbyterian Church has a long and close relationship with the Chinese and the Chinese Church in Victoria.

St. Andrew’s, Pictou, NS

St. Andrew's Presbyterian in Pictou, NS had an intergenerational service Thanksgiving Sunday. Here are some of the children gathered around the Thanksgiving Tree. The congregation wrote things they were thankful for on pieces of fall coloured paper. These were read and hung on the tree as a bright reminder of all God gives us.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian in Pictou, NS had an intergenerational service Thanksgiving Sunday. Here are some of the children gathered around the Thanksgiving Tree. The congregation wrote things they were thankful for on pieces of fall coloured paper. These were read and hung on the tree as a bright reminder of all God gives us.

Camp Geddie Golf Classic

An ecumenical group of golfers came out, on what looks like a wonderful if slightly windy, September day to raise $16,000 for Camp Geddie, the Presbyterian camp in Nova Scotia. A great turn out, a great result, for the first ever Camp Geddie Golf Classic. Its best to get your name in for the second annual as soon as possible.  Pictured: Joan MacEachern, First United Church, Trenton, NS; June MacEachern, St. John's United, Moncton, NB;  Rev. Dr. Ken MacLeod, Salem United, River John, NS; Anne MacLeod, St. Andrews Presbyterian, New Glasgow, NS; Robert MacEachern, St. James Presbyterian, Truro, NS, Captain

An ecumenical group of golfers came out, on what looks like a wonderful if slightly windy, September day to raise $16,000 for Camp Geddie, the Presbyterian camp in Nova Scotia. A great turn out, a great result, for the first ever Camp Geddie Golf Classic. Its best to get your name in for the second annual as soon as possible.

Knox, Calgary, AB

Knox Presbyterian Church in Calgary celebrated 125 years of ministry in 2008. Many special events were held including a visit from Rev. Allen Aicken, (minister at Knox from 1978 - 1988) who is seen above with the Rev. Murdo Marple (right), minister at Knox since 1989.

Knox Presbyterian Church in Calgary celebrated 125 years of ministry in 2008. Many special events were held including a visit from Rev. Allen Aicken, (minister at Knox from 1978 – 1988) who is seen above with the Rev. Murdo Marple (right), minister at Knox since 1989.

Westminster, Barrie, ON

Rev. Keith Boyer, Interim Moderator and Wayne Hope, Clerk of Session
Rev. Keith Boyer, Interim Moderator and Wayne Hope, Clerk of Session

Westminster, Barrie, Ont., sure have been lucky in leadership. During a two year vacancy they had Rev. Keith Boyer as Interim Moderator and Rev. Dr. Claude Cox in the pulpit providing worship, Bible study and pastoral care. The gratitude of the congregation was very evident as each family was presented with a handmade quilt crafted by the Jolly Nimble Fingers, a group of talented sewers. Our new minister, recent Knox College graduate Rev. Matthew Ruttan, was inducted in August, 2008. Cox and his family remain active members of the congregation while. Boyer still drops by from time to time.

St. Cuthbert’s, Hamilton, ON

Rev. Sam Lwere and Deborah Ssengendo of St. Stephen's Church, Mpererwe, Uganda, sing a song of praise in celebration of the renewal of a partnership with St. Cuthbert's, Hamilton, Ont., while visiting in September. The partnership serves to support orphaned children in St. Stephen's parish. More information: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

Rev. Sam Lwere and Deborah Ssengendo of St. Stephen’s Church, Mpererwe, Uganda, sing a song of praise in celebration of the renewal of a partnership with St. Cuthbert’s, Hamilton, Ont., while visiting in September. The partnership serves to support orphaned children in St. Stephen’s parish. More information:

New Year, New Beginning!

Every year, we begin a new chapter of our lives. It is like a blank paper given to us, a new opportunity, full of possibilities, waiting to be filled up by us. Everyone has a resolution as the new year begins. Spending more time with the family, getting back into shape, quitting smoking, going back to daily prayer life, being more organized, etc. They may sound very easy and perfectly normal to follow, yet we know that they are the annual contests on our list. We start the year with great hope and determination but we tend to lose energy as soon as the decorations are put away. Making changes in our lives is not as easy as it seems.