Laura Sharp

Hanging onto Hope

One Hour in Paris is a well-told story by a bright and articulate Canadian woman. Her rape story appears at the outset; the rest of the book is about her recovery, about what worked and what didn’t as she tried to get on with her life, and about surviving trauma.

From Lachute to Lincoln Center

Stirred by a remarkable teacher named Juliette Rodrigue in Lachute, Que., Riddell mastered the score of Handel’s Messiah by the age of 10 and, his feet barely reaching the pedals, at 14 became organist at the local United church his family attended.

Break into Song

Exploring something new in worship can be challenging, even daunting; we need a friend to guide us through the richness of music available to us. Last year I started a project called Break into Song which aims to inspire church leaders to make friends with new music.

Living Confidence

All eyes turned to us as we got out of the car. We were not part of the family, we were not friends, we were not invited to this welcome-home party. Yet we were there. Myself and a police sergeant.

Wholeness and Health

Neither option was a guarantee and either could prove life-threatening. As well, the two choices were mutually exclusive. Pursue the one and the other was no longer possible.

The Three E’s: Effectiveness

As we look towards a future of nourishing Christian communities and making disciples in a post-Christendom Canada, part of our “leadershift” is in forming teaching and ruling elders who are evangelical, entrepreneurial and effective. But how do we know if we are effective in ministry?

Spiritual Care Visitation

As people with physical ailments lose connections with familiar activities, places and people, feelings of isolation coupled with debilitating illness may affect their wellbeing, self esteem and even their judgement. With the loss of customary sources of happiness, life becomes a search for meaning.