Sam Wells

Life more important than power

ENI – Christian leaders in Thailand have called on churches to urge Thai authorities to deal peacefully with anti-government protests, following the declaration of a state of emergency after thousands of demonstrators took to the streets.

Iraqi Refugees in Syria : Make love your aim

The original walled city of Damascus still stands and its kilometres of narrow streets with overhanging balconies and street level shops is a strange and wonderful world. Some of the original gates to the city can still be seen and as one walks through Bab Touma, the Christian quarter, it is easy to imagine the adventures the Apostle Paul had in his day. My road to Damascus experience was less dramatic though full of blessings – but it was also a window into a tragedy of enormous proportions.

The truth in testing

ENI – Rev. Mvume Dandala, general secretary of the All Africa Conference of Churches, got a personal HIV/AIDS test in September as part of his campaign encouraging mass voluntary testing throughout Africa.

Coping with Memories

I sent away for my Common Experience payment thinking I had been at a residential school for only a couple of years, but it was actually five years. I had blocked those memories out of my mind; the anger I had felt was at the loss of my childhood and the time away from my family. Time away from my father and mother. My siblings were at the same residential school, but I wasn't allowed to be near them, or on the same floor. The wholeness and innocence of my childhood was stolen. It was an overwhelming sense of grief I was experiencing, shedding bitter tears over what I had lost in my life.

Getting Back to Shape

Many churches were at leisure over the summer months as members went away to cottages and other vacation destinations. Yet at the same time, many churches were busy organizing summer special mission projects such as youth camp, VBS, community projects and short term mission trips. Many groups from various regions went out as mission teams to share, serve, and build relationships with others. I believe they all came back with experiences they will cherish for the rest of their lives. I still have a vivid memory from my first mission trip. There I was shocked by the living condition of the people and learned a precious lesson – we have to share. The impact was so great I ended up going back on many other trips in following years.

Warm & Caring

In our common Presbyterian understanding Calvin is a dominant but not a really sympathetic figure. We think of a lawyer-like preacher, a clear but rigid theologian, and an imposing but isolated man. We'd rather have coffee with Martin Luther.

Sacred text diluted

ENI – A special Bible published in India that seeks to place the Christian Scriptures within a local context has drawn mixed reactions, with some critics objecting to quotations from the sacred texts of other faiths in commentaries included in the Holy Book.

Scandal of poverty

ENI – African churches and international faith-based organizations meeting in Accra have urged governments to end "the scandal of poverty" by delivering aid that advances development and not placing unacceptable obligations on poor countries. "Aid must be judged by what it delivers on development," Rev. Mvume Dandala said during the September High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in the Ghanaian capital, which brought together more than 800 representatives of developing country governments and civil society organizations.

Raining Relatives

This past summer my wife's family had a reunion.
I wasn't going to attend this year. I had other plans. Plans to go fishing. Plans for peace, tranquility and bass. When I shared my feelings with Ramona, she had some feelings of her own. "I grew up with these people," she said. "You go fishing and you might as well just take your parka and stay the winter." I decided to take her advice.

Married for a Wonderful Time

July 8th was my 30th wedding anniversary. On reflection, there are a lot of joys and laughter shared, sorrows endured and lessons learned. Three important lessons I've learned about a successful relationship in our marriage were all found in the Bible; but the experience of life makes the text come alive in a new way when life experience says, "That is so true!"

Applauding Change

I just wanted to congratulate you and your staff on the July/August issue. It was uplifting. Finally, I am hearing the word "change" spoken out loud. The moderator seems intent on taking this on as a challenge. It pulled at the heartstrings of this disillusioned former Presbyterian elder who now takes up pew space at the local Baptist Church.

Different but still Neighbours

I've always struggled with the idea that there is only one way to serve God, and that is the Christian way. As a Jew, Christ surely followed the Ten Commandments, but he also gave us a new, golden one to live by which tells us to love our neighbour as our self. Well, my neighbours, like his at the time, represent many races and religions. They are different from me, but they are my brothers and my sisters. We are one, because God created us all.

That Prairie Spirit

Let me say up front: I am not a member of the Presbyterian Church. My lifetime experiences with various churches have been less than positive, leaving me to seek my own private path to faith. I have to confess, however, that every now and again someone that brings a new light to organized faith surprises me.