
Mission to India

Laura Roberts (Rosedale, Toronto), Raquel Ramos (St. Columba, Montreal), Cecilia Lu and Jenny So (Chinese, Mississauga) were among nine young people who participated in this year's Youth in Mission trip. They visited the Bhil Fields and met Pauline Brown, as well as village health workers supported by PWS&D.

Racing against the clock

ENI – Faith-based organizations can play an important role in the response to HIV and AIDS if they abide by the best public health practices, says Dr. Julio Montaner, the new president of the International AIDS Society during the 17th International AIDS Conference held in Mexico City in August.

Fee returns from River Jordan

Rev. Dr. Richard Fee, General Secretary of the Life and Mission Agency, will be returning to his office this month after he was diagnosed with bacterial endocarditis with pulmonary edema in April and had to undergo operations on his heart which he describes in a notice of thanks in this issue of the Record (page 14) as "awe-inspiring and amazingly dedicated medical care."

Youth 2008 : Nursing in India

INDIA. Those who have been there understand – they know the arduous task of conveying the tangible experiences of India. The overwhelming number of people, the colours, the sounds (the constant car horn honking, animal noises and religious services broadcast on loud-speakers in the larger cities), the smells, and especially the warmth of the people, stretched my senses to places non-existent in North America.

Youth 2008 : Sharing their Gifts

THERE HAVE BEEN ceilidh's and sub lunches, pampered chef fundraisers and congregational games nights at three churches in the Presbytery of London this year – all events to raise money for an exciting mission trip adventure for youth within our presbytery. At the end of July, 20 young people and eight adult leaders from four churches will be travelling to beautiful North Sydney, N.S., to lead a Vacation Bible School program. In the afternoons, we hope to serve the North Sydney community in other ways, by engaging in meaningful community mission projects. In the evenings, we plan on "singing for our supper" at local Presbyterian churches – a wonderful way to build bridges with our east coast brothers and sisters in Christ.

Youth 2008 : Commitment and Joy

IN THE FIRST chapter of Jeremiah, the prophet declares: "Do not say, 'I am only a youth;' for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord." Jer. 1:7-8

Youth 2008 : A Connection To God

This summer, I had an experience that really changed me and how I see the world. I was a part of the Cape Breton Mission trip that was organized by the Presbytery of London. A year or more of planning went into the 10-day trip that took place from July 25 to August 3. We took 29 people – youth and adults – from three different London-area churches and got on a bus to go and make a difference in Cape Breton.