Al Clarkson,

Parliamentary apologies

Ann Calahan (far left) and Josephine Monkman were close friends at Birtle Residential School but hadn't seen each other in 50 years till they picked up their friendship again outside Central Block, Parliament Hill, on June 11, 2008. The lost time had no affect and they rebonded "like sisters."


I apologize for an error in my letter published in the May Record. I did not write a letter re the residential schools to the AMS. I wrote to the President of the Women's Missionary Society. The old Eastern Division (now the AMS) had nothing to do with aboriginal work; that task was undertaken by the Western Division (now the WMS). At the forthcoming Truth and Reconciliation Commission it should be the WMS representing the Church. The confusion of the two societies was my mistake, and my regrets are expressed to the Atlantic Mission Society and to the Record.

Peace and Compassion

Although I understand that a segment of the Record's readers will be unable to join me in this sentiment, I heartily congratulate the 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) for their courage to love and be inclusive to homosexual members of their church. In June, their assembly voted to lift any restriction to ordination and ministry on the basis of sexual orientation. One is left to wonder when the PCC will follow suit?

Good News

How far back in the Bible do we need to go to find the idea of evangelism? Perhaps the first moment of evangelism in the Bible can be found in Genesis 3:9. There we find God calling out to the human, "Where are you?" God's search for us, like for the hiding humans in this story, does not always seem like good news! Yet, there is no better news than God the Creator seeking us out despite our destructive tendencies. Over the last two months we looked at some of the new insights that developed on the theme of mission in the 20th-century, particularly the idea that mission is in the first place God's activity, or The Mission of God-Missio Dei. Last month we looked at definitions of mission and learned how our mission joins God's mission of peace and justice as the church crosses frontiers in humility and service and looks for the new things God is doing. Mission is the church joining the reign of God that is coming to us in Jesus Christ. In joining God's reign, working in faith for peace and

More rural issues

I was very encouraged by this article. The whole idea of groups that are marginalized, within and by the church is something we need to think about. It gives voice to a lot of thoughts that probably exist across the country. I also agree with David Webber that there needs to be more on rural issues in the Record as well as the lady from Saskatchewan regarding the West.