Susan MacRae,
Glen Haven, N.S.

Church as Surprise

Last month, we explored the checkered history of the term "mission" and we sympathized with Bishop Stephen Neill who complained that if everything is mission then nothing is mission. This month, we will look at some helpful definitions of mission. All these definitions must be understood in the context of the idea of the Mission of God (Missio De).

Core affirmed

It was heartening to read John Vaudry's letter in May protesting Laurence DeWolfe's statement that Jesus became the Son of God at His baptism (January). Vaudry declares the issue raised by DeWolfe's view to be for more serious than the current concern about homosexuality in the church.

Blanket statement an injustice

The article states that after the Second World War ministers from Ireland couldn't find work because of their limited educational background and the surplus of clergy. My father was one of those ministers who immigrated to Canada with his family in 1951. He had served churches in Northern Ireland for 16 years. He graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, a highly reputable university, with his BA before attending Presbyterian College in Belfast. He completed his MA in the late 50s.

Cover up

I received the June Record and was appalled at the cover. Do you think this Christian magazine should be placed in my grandchildren's hands? How can you justify putting a pin-up girl on the cover of what I thought was a Christian magazine? "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap".