Norman Wirzba

Soil, food & faith

Have you ever wondered how Adam got his name? Given all the possibilities, and the obvious importance of naming, we need to know why this particular name was given and not some other. As it turns out, all the clues we need are found in the story itself.

Saint Bernard

Jeff is our youngest child, a big tough stylish kid, handsome and strong, the teenager all the little kids love and the kind girls phone to discuss math problems with (or at least that's what they tell us when they finally get past our customer service department). His laugh was enough to bring the house down when he was a boy, but that contagious laugh began to vanish by the time he turned 12 and was completely extinct by his 13th birthday. It's a horrible thing to watch someone view life wearing the glasses of a teenager, trading in joy because it isn't so cool.
Our kids have always laughed a lot, partly because they got their sense of humour from my wife's side of the family, whose motto is this: “It's all funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's hilarious!”

Trinity, Oro Survives

The fate of Trinity, Oro, Ont., has been decided. At a meeting of the Barrie Presbytery in February, the interim moderator, Rev. Neal Mathers, reported Trinity is healthy and warrants continuation.

Aboriginal and Church Leaders’ Tour

A young member of the Bull Rock Dancers enlivens the Grand Entry Procession in Ottawa's Museum of Civilization where the Aboriginal and Church Leaders' Tour had its first stop on March 2. An estimated 500 people were in attendance. The second stop in Vancouver was also very well attended. The Record will feature the tour in the May 2008 issue.

Differing voices

One thing I value about the Record is that it allows everyone to have a voice on any issue. Rev. Livingston's letter in the February issue reminds me that it's been a while since the word 'homosexual' has appeared in our magazine. It seems that Livingston would be happy to consider the status of homosexuals in our church settled. I hope and pray that it is not settled, and that articles like the book review by Will Ingram in the October 2007 issue continue to result in discussion and examination of this issue. Livingston complains that the author of Jesus, the Bible and Homosexuality exhibits a “liberal theological agenda” and a “leftward pilgrimage.” I rejoice in every article that evidences this pilgrimage on any subject – witness the refreshing Progressive Lectionary in January.

Kenya's Crisis

Dr. Richard Allen is frustrated. “Canadians have the means and opportunity to learn and keep current about the situations of various countries and peoples in the world, but unfortunately they often remain uninformed,” says the Sarnia, Ont., native who has been working with the Presbyterian Church in East Africa since 1994. “One would hope that the fairly wide reporting in the media of the present Kenyan crisis will encourage Canadians and others in the future to follow similar world problems more closely.”