
Church World Services

Church World Services is a Geneva-based non-governmental agency with offices in many countries, including Pakistan and Afghanistan. Last year, the Record's Andrew Faiz and PWS&D's Guy Smagghe were hosted in both countries by CWS. The agency, working with Action By Churches Together (ACT) and through its support network (which includes the PCC) provides a variety of services throughout Pakistan. These include a refugee camp for those displaced by the October 2005 earthquake (seen here).

A Heart for the Poor

The new face of evangelicalism is down to earth — it comes barrelling in from southern California in the form of a big bear-hug of a man in faded blue jeans. All in orange and green and brown in his trademark Hawaiian shirt, Rick Warren is the pastor of one of the biggest congregations in North America, Saddleback Church in Orange County, just south of Los Angeles. He's also the author of The Purpose Driven Life, the world's bestselling book from 2003-2005.

Christians celebrate 50 million Chinese Bibles

ENI — Celebrations were held in China in December to mark the production of more than 50 million Bibles in the People's Republic by the Amity Printing Company, a joint venture between the United Bible Societies and the Amity Foundation, which is a Chinese Christian agency. The Amity Printing Company is the only body allowed to print Bibles in mainland China.

Full Time Cheerleader

My husband has cancer. Sometimes I feel like a yo-yo, up one moment, down the next. The strong, firmly-fleshed body that warmed the bed at night is now thin as a rail and sometimes even a small hug hurts too much. Although it is the worst of times, it is also the best of times. I see God in the faces of so many who try to help. The Cancer Clinic in Edmonton was so good to us. The one here in Grande Prarie is so personal and cares so deeply. They are as delighted as I am when the chemo treatments seem to be working. His pain is less, mobility greater and appetite improving. But there is more chemo ahead and it is like walking through the valley of death. Not so much physically; the new drugs are wonderful, but the depression, the fatigue, the complete lack of appetite in a man who once lived to eat. These are heavy loads.

Building Relationships

He approached me immediately following worship and, in a calm but confident way, declared that he would never be a member of this church because he could never believe in Jesus. I often wonder why someone that confident about what they don't believe ever bothers to show up in church. Subsequent conversation with “Brownie” revealed he had recently been through a difficult marriage breakup and, on the arms of some friends, had initially shown up at a Friday evening Celebrate Recovery event. One of the most memorable and joy-filled times of my ministry was the Sunday he stood before a congregation of 500 and declared his commitment to Christ and to service in His church. Evangelism — the process of helping an individual to find their way from skepticism and doubt to personal faith in Christ — can be seen more clearly when there is a face like that of “Brownie” attached. In relating his story, we come to understand the kinds of components which position a church for effective ministry in this arena.