Stuart Macdonald

Vermigli Remembered

Thirty international scholars met at Presbyterian College, Montreal, in August to discuss the life and work of Italian Reformer Peter Martyr Vermigli. The conference was scheduled to recognize the 50th anniversary of Prof. Joseph McLelland's pioneer study, The Visible Words of God: The Sacramental Theology of Peter Martyr Vermigli , and the 30th anniversary of the conference which established the Peter Martyr Library in 1977. This series of English translations has published nine of 12 volumes, with a second series of 12 planned.

Last word on Deal Breaker letters (maybe)

In an interview, the American Presbyterian minister and author Frederick Buechner was asked to comment on Jesus' claim in John 14:6: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” His reply was this. “What arrogance, but blind egotism that might seem to be, until you live with it for a while and think about it. What was Jesus' way? He didn't say 'What I say is the way;' he didn't say 'Presbyterianism is the way;' he said' 'I am the way.' My kind of life, pay attention to my kind of life, that is the way.”

From Princetown to Persia

It is worthy of note in the missionary annuals of our church that in 1882 Annie Montgomery went from Malpeque, P.E.I. (then known as Princetown) to Hamadan — about half way between Tehran and Baghdad — in Persia and laboured in the Faith Hubbard School until 1917. She served there for 35 years. This year marks the 90th anniversary of her death. She died in Hamadan, known in biblical times as Ecbatana, and was buried under the pew which she had occupied in the church where she worshipped. Her sister Charlotte also went to Hamadan four years after Annie. Ill-health necessitated her return to Malpeque where she died and was buried in 1905. She had been a missionary for 19 years. Apparently these two missionaries were supported by the church in the United States, since the Canadian church did not have sufficient funds. Such a record of devoted service to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ remains a source of encouragement to our church today.

Best Practices

A Guatemalan woman sprays her vegetable plot with an organic, homemade pesticide. Extensive use of chemical pesticides has led to pest resilience, health issues and growing expenses. PWS&D is working with a local partner on a best-practices project which recycles household waste into pesticide and diversifies crop production for a more nutritional diet.

Losing too many people

The Who Needs Sleep? issue offers some encouragement. Without taking away from this hope, as a denomination we are losing too many people of all ages. Discerning the real need of the twentysomethings is a profound shortfall throughout our church, as with many other denominations, save the presence of YARS at General Assembly.