Kristine O’Brien

Army Ants and Civil War

Our oldest son, Ian had just turned three when we began our first tour in the coastal city of Calabar, Nigeria. Painful as it was taking him away from his grandparents, the Nigerians assured us that they would be our family.

When God Calls

The Montreal Arabic Presbyterian Church is not located in Montreal; since 2010, it has rented facilities in an Evangelical Baptist church on the adjacent island of Laval. But it was not always so.

The Crocheted Cross

I enjoy my life for the most part, am grateful for my health and family, but at that time I was feeling that I was on a treadmill going nowhere. Nothing significant seemed to be happening. I was 61 years old and wondering if I was on the right track.

Honouring Nicholas

Pat pleaded, “What are you saying?! How long does he have?” The oncologist replied, “With kids I’ve known with this kind of tumour, it is usually a matter of months, though sometimes we can be surprised, and it may be a bit longer.” The devastation in the room was palpable.

The Horizon of Hope

While I was working on my dissertation, I was also serving in spiritual care, in palliative care, in pediatric trauma. Here I was writing and thinking about these big picture ideas about hope when I was walking with people who were facing endings and facing their own death.

The Big Picture

When I arrived at General I had no idea what to expect. How could over 200 people attend the same meeting and get anything done? What will happen when people disagree?