
A sense of humour helps

Recalling 40 years as a military and a hospital chaplain: We love applause, the lift from the clapping of hands from a receptive audience. Once upon a time my parishioners presented me with a set of luggage. Were they trying to tell me something? Was this an ever-so-gentle hint that they had had it with my pastoral leadership? Do you recall this verse?

With glorious splendour

Christmas is an emotional time. And depending on what has been going on in my life over the year, it is experienced accordingly. Who is around? Who is no longer around? What has been gained? What has been lost? Christmas is a time where the weight and the release of life's fullness is absorbed and processed for me.

Insightful and colourful

What a joy to see the photos in October: the cover, children, youth, men and women. Thanks for including Something Extra with its fine photos and choices of giving meaningfully. This issue seems to bind our Presbyterian family together. I found David Harris' editorial both insightful and forthright. The edition's arrival days before Thanksgiving weekend provided me additional reasons for thanksgiving.

Check the check list

Training Programs Rejected, September, outlined several materials that were deemed unacceptable by our national Christian Education Advisory Committee. I want to clarify that some of these resources are poor (in our estimation), but others are excellent. They just aren't a good fit. For instance, our committee looked recently at an excellent and affordable curriculum called Gather Round. Even though we liked it very much, one of the reasons we did not add it to our chart of recommended curricula was due to liberal references to Mennonite mission projects and we do not want to distract Presbyterians from our own mission endeavours with PWS&D and Presbyterians Sharing.