
Peace Bridge picnic

In June, Canadians and Americans met for a picnic across the Peace Bridge in Ft. Erie, Ont., to protest the war in Iraq. Presbyterian minister Marion Schaffer (left) was amongst the gathered. “I feel strongly motivated,” she says, “to continue making myself available to work on justice issues; I don’t think I could sleep at night if I did not.” Seen with Schaffer are singer Sara Marlowe and Rev. George Addison, chaplain of Brock University. Right: soldiers who resist the Iraqi war declare themselves. However, as Schaffer points out, some soldiers were there incognito, fearing for their livelihood if found out.

Being young is tough

The Toronto Star recently reported on World Population Day (July 11), begun in 1987 to draw attention to the day that the earth’s population hit 5 billion. This year’s theme was “Being Young is Tough.” The day highlighted the difficulties many of the world’s young people face in their daily lives. Below are some of the facts that were reported:

Top Anglican a woman

ENI – The US Episcopal (Anglican) Church has elected Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as its first female leader, a move seen as creating further strain in a denomination already divided over the consecration of an openly gay bishop.

Nobel for Lewis

As most of you know HIV/AIDS is a cause that is near and dear to Presbyterians’ hearts and Stephen Lewis’ efforts in this area were an inspiration to many. There is a group that is trying to secure his nomination for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and they have an online petition available to show support.

The evolution book list

I agree with those who would critique intelligent design as creationism made more palatable. In any guise it is not science and it is poor theology. It is quite possible to hold a position that affirms both God as creator and the scientific evidence to support evolution at the same time. In this debate I have found a book by Kenneth Miller — Finding Darwin’s God, A Scientist’s Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution — to be most helpful and inspiring both from a theological and scientific perspective.