Jim Czegledi

Summer book club, Presbyterian style : An insight into small churches

The Presbyterian Church in Canada is a denomination of small membership churches. Approximately 40 per cent of our congregations have fewer than 50 at worship. The future of the church depends on these congregations, on their health, spiritual development and ability to function. This book is an insightful look at the joys and challenges of small church life. The authors are passionate advocates of the importance of training and equipping lay people to plan and lead worship.

Presbyterian honoured by historical society

Rev. Donald Macleod's biography of Presbyterian minister W. Stanford Reid recently received the Donald Grant Creighton Award. The citation for the award states that the book about “Reid's spiritual and intellectual journey gives a balanced in-depth critique of the man and his times, never fawning or censorious.”

Church provides santuary

Rosedale Presbyterian, Toronto, will daily provide a place of sanctuary for those attending the XVI AIDS Conference and the Ecumenical Pre-Conference, August 10 – 18, in Toronto. The church, decorated with PWS&D's new posters for the Towards A World Without AIDS campaign, will be open from 2 p. m. to 8 p.m. as a place of quiet reflection for the expected 20,000 international delegates.

A banner from Sarnia

This banner was made in Sarnia, Ont., (see People and Places) and travelled to Malawi with Rev. Carol Hamilton (left) who presented it to Esther Lupafya who works in the Ekwendeni HIV/AIDS program in Malawi. Hamilton was on a PWS&D HIV/AIDS study trip.

Pastors with guns

ENI – Clerics have not been spared in Malawi's spiralling of armed robberies and the situation is so severe the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian says it will allow some clerics to own at least one firearm for personal protection.

PC(USA) softens on Israel

ENI – By a vote of 483 to 28 the Presbyterian Church (USA) set as church policy that “financial investments … as they pertain to Israel, Gaza, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank, be invested in only peaceful pursuits.”

Summer book club, Presbyterian style : The purpose driven process

For months we had discussion times after the morning worship service and half the congregation remained, old and young, those new to the church and those who had attended all their lives. During the course of study of these books, the churches of Zion Willowdale and St. Andrew's, Valley Center, Alta., amalgamated, changed their name to Willow-Valley, wrote a mission statement and discussed a future building. Not bad! But it wasn't easy. With Warren's books as guides, we had to re-examine all our assumptions. Three areas were challenging to us.

132nd General Assembly : Congregations may offer sanctuary to refugees

After hours of debate and several defeated amendments, General Assembly agreed congregations can offer sanctuary to an asylum seeker whose claim for refugee status has been rejected and who faces a risk of persecution if returned to his/her country of origin. While making a decision, a congregation should consider the following steps: 1. have an independent review of the evidence provided by the asylum seeker that confirms the risk; 2. have exhausted all of the legal and political resources as outlined in the statement from Justice Ministries; 3. have followed the decision-making procedures of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. The assembly also decided that Justice Ministries will prepare guidelines for a congregation to consider as it discerns the implications of offering sanctuary.

132nd General Assembly : The happy assembly

I didn't know General Assembly could be so much fun,” said Moderator Wilma Welsh as the 132nd General Assembly adjourned until next year. That was not the first time that the word fun was voiced though occasionally it was with a murmured: “Are we here for fun?” Still there was wide spread agreement that this was indeed a fun assembly.

WARC creator mourned

William P. Thompson, a United States church leader and layperson instrumental in bringing the world's Congregationalists and Presbyterians together in the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, and its first president, died at age 87.

Bhil people released

The 14 Bhil people imprisoned in India since January 2004 have been acquitted of all charges and released. The accused had been imprisoned for incidents surrounding Hindu attacks on Christian homes. The Supreme Court of India's decision came on May 31st after years of delayed trials, no-show witnesses and judges and difficulty getting bail for the accused. The long-awaited decision was met with joy at the Presbyterian Church's national offices. “It feels great to get this news,” said Ron Wallace, associate secretary for International Ministries. “The dismissal of the charges against the Bhil prisoners and their release from prison are an answer to the prayers of many faithful people, both in Canada and in India.”

Partners in mission

As I pondered with what I would say in my first message to you as Moderator of the 132nd General Assembly, I decided to share with you a few reports received by the General Assembly this year.

CCC head announced

The Canadian Council of Churches has announced that Rev. Dr. James T. Christie has been elected president for the years 2006-2009. The United Church minister is currently dean of the faculty of theology at the University of Winnipeg and dean of the university's Global College. His specialty lies in inter-faith dialogue and he has extensive experience in ecumenism and global governance. Christie recently completed a three-year term as a vice president of the CCC.

Statue confronts Ottawa

A new statue outside of St. Andrew's, Ottawa, evokes thoughts of Jesus with an outstretched hand, encouraging passers-by to remember His words of compassion: “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do unto me.” The bronze statue, entitled Whatsoever You Do, depicts a seated human figure cloaked in anonymity. Sculptor Timothy Schmalz was at the May 28th dedication. “I imagine people going to Parliament to see the great leaders of the nation, and as they walk there, they pass by this humble leader, Jesus Christ,” he said. “It's not meant to be a decoration. It is meant to be a confrontation; to challenge people.” St. Andrew's is located at the heart of the nation's capital, and has been since 1828.

132nd General Assembly : For a good time, go to assembly

Honestly, going in I was pretty sure I was going to need to amuse myself during the sessions. Accordingly, I went armed with gum, highlighters, a water bottle, a pad of paper and lots of pencils for doodling. It's not a surprise that I filled nearly 25 pages of my notebook, but no one is more surprised than I that it is full of notes, not drawings. There are a total of two doodles, each about one centimetre in diameter, in the entire thing. This is a big deal. In order for me not to be doodling I have to be very interested in what's going on. Somehow, the highest court of The Presbyterian Church in Canada held my attention as its commissioners debated and voted throughout the week. Because of the support of the commissioners, I even found the courage to go to the microphone and speak to an issue that was being discussed.