Gordon Coyne, Waterloo, Ont.

Called to Serve

My “church” is not composed of a typical congregation. Rather, it is comprised of a multitude of faiths: agnostic, atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Sikh, and more. It is in this multi-faith, pluralistic environment that I live out my calling as a Christian chaplain.

Intergenerational Worship

In this synod, 50 per cent of our congregations have 10 or fewer children and, as these congregations are discovering, doing Sunday school the way we’ve always done it is neither working nor viable.


In a post-Christendom North America, Christ followers encounter people of no expressed belief and all kinds of different beliefs every day. However, we also deal with a number of “cultural Christians.”

Bearing Witness

Bearing witness prioritizes the experience of the person or group over the questions the listener might have. To bear witness is to see, hear, know and remember what has happened.