Wendy MacWilliams and Tracey Burkhardt

Divine Community

A few months ago we rented our hall to the Friends of Priestman Street School for a community breakfast. Just days before the breakfast, a nine-year-old student, Garrett, died from a sudden cardiac event while walking to school. Garrett’s family and all who knew him were shaken to the core.

Invisible Minorities

Living in Taiwan our boys experienced life as a “visible minority,” but when they moved back to Canada they were an “invisible minority.” On the outside they looked like average Canadians, but culturally they were a Taiwanese-Canadian blend.

Exploring Grace Alone

Basic training is grueling, with sleep deprivation and drill sergeants yelling at recruits, constantly reminding them that they will flunk out. It is a harsh, graceless environment.

Sent By God

Between 1888 and 1940, 185 Canadian missionaries risked their lives and came to Korea to deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ. Tutullian once said: “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”

Learning to Trust God

Henry Wildeboer, a pastor with the Christian Reformed Church, writes out of the crucible of 50 years of ministry experience and describes the many challenges and opportunities he faced in leading congregations to fulfil the great commission.