Dorothy McDougall

Coren’s bipolar ultimatums

Michael Coren concludes that “[gun violence is] partly but not completely about race and it's partly but not completely about poverty. It's about those who are willing to join society and those who are not.” I doubt that anyone, even the liberals that he is always ranting against, would disagree with him. There are no simple answers, but the fact remains that dealing with the part of gun crime that is about race and poverty is important. Coren often talks about balance but then he is content to give bipolar ultimatums by dividing people between “those who are willing to join society and those who are not.” We must ask the question, what kind of society are we inviting people to join? Maybe the ultimatum should be centered around creating a society that we can all participate in equally.

PWS&D on Vision TV

The Presbyterian Church's work in tsunami-hit areas was highlighted on Vision TV in February. Day by Day, Step by Step documents what the Presbyterian, United, Mennonite and Anglican tsunami rehabilitation project is accomplishing. The documentary follows the impact of the tsunami on the fishing village of Indintakarai in south India, and shows how the churches are helping the community rebuild and the challenges that still exist.

Alberta Centennial Medal

Moderator Rev. Jean Morris received the Alberta Centennial Medal at a surprise presentation in January. "Jean's contribution to the church, community, the province and our country are insurmountable," said Harry Chase, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Varsity. The medal celebrates Alberta's centennial and is presented to Albertans whose achievements have made a significant contribution to their fellow citizens, their community and their province.

Aceh rebuilding slowly

ENI – Thousands of residents in Aceh — the area hardest hit by the December 2004 tsunami — remain in tents and other temporary shelter provided by the United Nations and international aid agencies. Such tents are common in the neighbourhood of Lampaseh Kota, a particularly affected area of the provincial capital of Banda Aceh.

Separating logic from lunacy

Every few years or so the culture presents us with another empty mantra, intended to dismiss opponents of the status quo and ridicule their arguments. Not long ago we had the racism fetish. Conservatives and everybody else on the assumed right were racist and their policies based on racism.