Michael Lehto
Thunder Bay, Ont.

Passionate searchers of truth

The Letters section, where writers present various points of view, often passionately, is usually the first page I turn to. I enjoy the letters. I find them interesting, sometimes moving, even inspiring. In fact, I have written my share of letters and will, no doubt, write more. Yet, I share a sentiment similar to that expressed by J. Gordon Neal in his Letter About Letters (February). I find it difficult reconciling the passionate expression of single points of view to the concept of an all-encompassing love and understanding.

Noting the needs

Let me share our stretcher-bearing story (Stretcher Bearer Ministeries by Michael Slater). The author took time in his congregation to give out postcards so that during the service everyone would write a note to someone they knew, whether in the congregation or not. Then on Monday the cards were posted in the church. Great benefits occurred.

Planning to fail

Doing business in the same old way is not a strategy in today's economic environment. So why is it that many church leaders today subscribe to this strategy for our local churches? Is this not a plan for failure? More likely, this is probably not a plan at all.

He's not alone at the camp

Thank you very much for the feature on Camp Douglas in February. I have received nothing but positive feedback. It would be unfair of me to allow people to believe that I have been director here since 1993. I am entering my 13th year of camp directorship, but I have served at many camps both here in B.C. and abroad in the Czech Republic. There have been several excellent directors at Camp Douglas over that time. The article correctly pointed to enthusiastic campers and a dedicated staff as the real reasons that our ministry has been so successful. I also feel the need to publicly acknowledge the efforts of our hard working camp committee and the many volunteers who come to our work parties, without whom the ministry would not be possible.

A counselling pool

Amy MacLachlan's article on Planning for Marriage (February) provides much grist for the marriage mill into which wedding planners have become the latest cost addition for couples aiming at the dream of a perfect wedding day. Life, dating, Internet dating, cohabitation, marital conflict, divorce, family conflicts and the lack of pre-marriage counselling and marriage enrichment programs pose challenges for couples, congregations, national church offices and society alike.

Forgive us our trespasses

ENI – The Church of England has apologized for the damage done by its role in the British transatlantic slave trade in the 19th century and earlier and it has pledged to continue campaigning against modern slavery.