
Lay candidates for moderator create a buzz

Barring a new candidate being presented at General Assembly in June (in St. Catharines, Ont.), the 2006 moderator will not be a minister, marking a first for the church (a diaconal minister held the office in 1996). Rev. Stephen Kendall, principal clerk, said the situation has created a buzz. "It's exciting to have a lay person as moderator," he said. "There is a lot of interest in the church for lay persons' issues." Kendall couldn't say if other names had been put forward that didn't make it onto the ballot, although this information will be released once the new moderator is chosen. If a name did not appear on the ballot, it is for one of two reasons: the nomination came from only one presbytery instead of the required two, or the individual declined to let his or her name stand. The nominees for 2006 …

The perfect summer vacation

Did hanging out with cows while doing construction on a dairy farm, learning Hungarian from Roma kids, riding for hours in a hot van and being cooped up inside a water tower sandpapering the rust ever cross your mind as the perfect vacation? That's what I did, and trust me it was.

The power of people

With only three days notice, 52 volunteers from St. Giles, Ottawa, provided dinner for 250 Kashechewan Cree, who had been evacuated from their James Bay homes. "We heard some of their impressions of Ottawa," writes Jean Currie. "'Everything is tall, the buildings and the trees are so high. Escalators and elevators are fun. Everything is so cheap, in Ottawa you can buy a newspaper for a dollar!' One lad wanted to go home because he missed his dad who had remained on the reserve."

Touched by a life

While writing my book, A Different Road, I asked for and received permission to use material re autism from author Elizabeth Bloomfield. When published, I sent Ms. Bloomfield a complimentary copy of my book, which is a biography of my autistic son. Ms. Bloomfield then shared with me an interview her son had had with his facilitator, Andrew Foster, on the subject of spirituality (Record, May 05). I was emotionally moved both by Andrew's concepts of the meaning of spiritual matters and his expressions of his need to connect to, and to be understood by others through his poetry. I wished that I had had these insightful thoughts from this obviously remarkable man to incorporate in my book.