Padre Dave Kettle, Ottawa

Never Forsaken

I sit and listen as my friend Ingrid pours out her story. The tears are wet on her cheeks as she spells out this special time of her life… when the Lord reached out and touched her.

What is it Like to be Ninety?

In many ways I don’t feel any differently than I have for years. But of course, that’s on the inside. The “outside” of me, now that’s a different picture entirely and has nothing to do with being 90 and everything to do with being old.

What I Learned at Camp

I learned that the teens who attended camp come back year after year and that most do not attend church on a regular basis and some never do. I heard that they like to come because this is the only place they learn about God.

Church in Cyberspace

After a long media career, I turned to media theorist Marshall McLuhan, who early shaped my mindset, as I reflected on what we might call Numerical Decline Anxiety Syndrome in mainline churches.