Milfred Harper

More prayer, fewer committees

In the April Record Ms. Eileen Shaw of Hamilton said in a letter that we need a more openness to worship and prayer. I agree with her on this point because when we open our hearts and minds in worship, we automatically become closer to Jesus Christ.

Guatemala: Modernity and deterioration

As I stepped off the plane into the sweltering humidity of Guatemala City, the realization that I had just entered a completely foreign world set in. Since my knowledge of the country was limited, I felt vulnerable being exposed to this different culture. Over the next 17 days, my mission group and I would come to an understanding of the beautiful yet controversial country of Guatemala. We learned of the triumphs of the Guatemalan people and were grounded by their daily struggles and misfortunes.

Mark 12: 41- 44

Toronto's Trinity, York Mills, is located near a busy intersection. One result of this is the frequent, often unusual visitors who drop in during the week for myriad of reasons. What just might be the most unusual, to date, occurred late one morning, in early August.

Pop grammar

I hear language is a living thing. In retirement, I have not been studying the evolvement of our language as much as I should. Hence, I am probably exposing my obsolescence and ignorance of current trends when I ask for your observations on two grammatical points in the May Record.

Too kind, but nice to hear

I freely admit to having only recently paid attention to the total content of the Record. The magazine has arrived at our home for the last five years, yet I only started thoroughly reading and thinking about some of the articles in the past little while, dating I think to a visit one Sunday morning from Rick Fee in his position as Moderator (good for him to visit our church; great visit and a great guy!).