
Children’s worship program celebrated

The Children and Worship program is celebrating 20 years of offering renewed ideas for Sunday school. Based on Montessori principles, young children are taught about God and the Bible using interactive, visual and creative methods, in an effort to help them experience the stories as well as learn about them.

Testing the waters

A new drinking water regulation from the Ministry of the Environment will relieve many Ontario churches of costly testing and equipment requirements. The new regulation, which came into effect in June, allows churches that own and operate certain types of drinking-water systems to either post signs saying that their water has not been tested or test their water according to steps outlined by the ministry.

A Job Well Done

The Record had a strong showing at the annual Associated Church Press and Canadian Church Press awards. Amy MacLachlan beat 15 other entries to capture first place at ACP for her June 2004 news story, East Toronto Presbytery Says No to Temporary Approval of Same-sex Marriage. ACP judges Canadian and American talent.

Minister denounces casual sex among nursing students

A Presbyterian minister in Ekwendeni, Malawi, has warned male and female nursing students not to exploit the proximity of their accommodation by engaging in casual sex. "Please take yourselves as students with an agenda to fulfill," said Rev. Maurice Munthali, the acting general secretary of the Livingstonia Synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. "Bringing you together should not be interpreted to mean you should be engaging in sexual relationships. This is the place of God. Try to keep it holy."

Post-tsunami work continues

The Presbyterian Church is part of the fourth largest tsunami aid project approved by the Canadian government in its tsunami matching funds program. According to the Canadian International Development Agency's website, the project in India is only surpassed by efforts led by the three aid giants — Red Cross, World Vision and UNICEF.

Morrison heralded

The gentle manner and quiet spirit of Rev. Ian Morrison was heralded in Edmonton, as the General Assembly saluted one of its most-loved members. Morrison will retire as the Life and Mission Agency's General Secretary in September.

Supercalifragilistic issues

So another Harry Potter book is about to be published and the critical e-mails are already doing the rounds. But those who wrote the entire world about the hellish horrors of HP may well be correct. Harry, Hermione and Ron could simply be lulling us into a false sense of security before they turn us all into collective newts. Thing is, the problem goes much further than J. K. Rowling and all her sordid works.

Biking for Bibles

The Canadian Bible Society is conducting a coast-to-coast bike ride in honour of its centennial anniversary. Participants will cover more than 7,800 kilometres, cycling through every province in 62 days. The ride starts July 2, 2006. The event celebrates the society workers who once travelled to communities by foot or on horseback, offering Bibles to those who needed them. The society hopes to raise $500,000 to be used for Bible translation, publication and distribution projects.

Food aid to North Korea

Canadian churches sent 10,000 tonnes of wheat and 1,320 tonnes of soybeans to North Korea through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Presbyterian World Service & Development is the lead agency for the shipment. CFGB member churches contributed more than $1 million,matched by more than $4 million from the Canadian International Development Agency.

Megachurches multiply in U.S.

There are at least 1,200 Protestant churches with more than 2,000 weekly worship attendants across the United States, a study from an American seminary has discovered. The figure was nearly double the number of megachurches previously thought. "We hope and pray that we can help correct misperceptions and better network these churches with each other," said Dave Travis of Leadership Network, a partner in the project.

Stumped on hour one

The hardest task in this book was picking my Bible. I saw this book sitting on my editor's bookshelf and immediately accepted the challenge. I thought this would be exactly the thing to introduce me to the Bible and help me gain a nice, rounded experience of the different texts.