Dennis Sutherland

Modelling our message

The first non-European general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches was honoured at General Assembly with the E. H. Johnson award. Ghanaian Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi made it clear why he is on the cutting edge of mission. "We must respond to others in the midst of suffering and engage with them in mission and cooperation," he said. "Never again should the church be silent or inactive when things around us lead to suffering and death.

Challenge can be enlightening

Kudos to the Record for giving exposure to The Pagan Christ by Tom Harpur. The author postulates that Jesus, in any form, never existed. Further, Charles Templeton in Farewell to God denies the divinity of Jesus. Both books contain a direct rebuttal to scripture, especially the New Testament. Some people believe too little.

Reid was a convivial Calvinist

Donald MacLeod's authentic portrayal of W. Stanford Reid is more than a cartoon sketch of some "rumbustious contrarian." Reid welcomed me to Canada and my first appointment in 1943, introduced me to Puritan theologians and presided over my wedding. This preacher-professor was an indomitable debater, a convivial Calvinist and a man of his word.

Recognizing sin as sin

What the Presbytery of East Toronto is doing in their overture to the General Assembly (March) is utter rebellion against Holy Scripture. By the overture to the General Assembly to "establish a committee that will study same-sex marriage" for a period of two years, before "reporting back" to Assembly, is merely an attempt by disobedient ministers and elders to open the door for a carte blanche acceptance of all forms of homosexual practice within the Presbyterian Church in Canada. I am so sad for those average lay people who want to trust ministers and representative elders, but whose trust is being continually, and intentionally, betrayed.

Deference to traditions

I concur fully with Clyde Ervine's encyclopedic prescription for theological education (May) affirming that it is "about thought, about engagement with the sources of the Christian faith, as well as engagement with everything past and present that challenges the Christian faith." At once, however, the problem of engagement emerges when the challenges of the past are not remembered and when contemporary secular society may dismiss the faith as a subject worthy of challenge.

Fair Trade thanks

Thank you for your editorial and article on Fair Trade products. As one who enjoys a good cup of coffee, the information you presented was enlightening and very timely. I presented the issues of Fair Trade at the May meeting of St. Andrew's Church Women. We have since ordered coffee from Alternative Grounds and served the brew after the Sunday morning service. The women decided to purchase the coffee to support economic and social justice.

Mennonites join council

The Mennonite Church Canada is an official member of the Canadian Council of Churches. This brings the council's membership up to 20 traditions, including Anglican, Roman Catholic, Protestant and Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches. The Presbyterian Church is an active member.

Get involved in Fair Trade

As globalization is clearly producing winners and losers, Christians need to respond. In addition to the information in your May issue, I would like to add a few additional points of information. First, there are other Presbyterian churches involved in Fair Trade. PRESCRAFT in Cameroon has been assisting artisans to find markets for over 40 years. Ten Thousand Villages has a long-term trading relationship with PRESCRAFT and their products are available at our stores. Secondly, congregations across Canada from many denominations are organizing Ten Thousand Villages Festival Sales (weekend sales organized on a volunteer basis and run out of a church or community centre). Last year over 50 congregations were involved.

Knox had woman problems

It was with considerable interest that I read First Female Moderator Faces a Church Without Walls (April). The Scottish moderator is clear that "a patriarchal, hierarchical system of church is ill disposed to reward the delicate and subtle qualities that make life a pleasure," her predecessors having all been males. That, of course, led automatically to John Knox and "the monstrous regiment."