Mary & Bill Walker
Willowdale, Ont.

News item inappropriate

It was most inappropriate for the Presbyterian Record to write an article about allegations against Glenview's Senior Minister, Dr. Robert Fourney (March, 2005). Very successful changes to our governance structure under his leadership were completed in May, 2003. This information could have been very helpful to other churches, but the Record didn't print it until October, 2004. The Record was very quick to publish the current article — before Dr. Fourney had any opportunity to clear his name.

Boon and bust

There is a God in heaven! With three children in university and a late start into the pension plan, it was such an unexpected boon for my future! When it was reported to my congregation that the management team at 50 Wynford had all now received a significant boost in salary (or stipend), they near unanimously decided that I was as valuable to them as anyone at church offices, and should receive equal compensation, and boosted my stipend to match theirs! Regrettably the only way such an increase could be made was by a reduction [BIG] in the congregation's accepted Presbyterian Sharing allocation.

Fáilte bho Macduff do an Brocher

It is reassuring to glean from the January Record that the financial health of the denomination is now in the capable hands of a born (and canny?) Scot by name of Margaret Bucknole. But if she has not already reported the error, please note that her birthplace was FraserBURGH not FraserBOROUGH — known locally in Buchan as "The Broch". As a Macduff loon, born twenty-five miles west of Margaret, I congratulate her on her appointment and wish her well in implementing the proverb that "Mony a mickle maks a muckle"!

Robin-less reader supports ball of fur

For those of us not fortunate enough to have the Western Wood-Pewee singing it's Lenten and spring song in our woods, we love our first sighting of that round ball of fur on the snow, which indicates the ground hog has declared spring. I am sure you thought you were being funny, but I object to your juvenile, derogatory remarks in the first paragraph of your First Signs of Spring in February's Record. Punxsutawney Phil and Wiarton Willie bring pleasure to a great many Canadians who also don't have Wood-Peewes or even Robins to look at.

$1M for Tsunami relief

Presbyterians' generosity to the Asia tsunami relief fund has surpassed the million-dollar mark. As of March 14, $1,196,772 had been donated to Presbyterian World Service and Development. More than $755,000 of that will be matched by the federal government.

Nothing funny about violence

I was very disappointed that the cartoon in the February issue would be put in a Christian publication. Do you honestly think it is funny to hit someone over the head with a baseball bat? That is anything but humorous. Recently a crime was committed causing death by exactly the same thing. Please use more discretion in future. Christians don't purposely hurt others, and then laugh it off. Not the Christians I know anyhow.