Dorothy Henderson

The first six years of life: They're too important to ignore!

What is more joyous than the birth of a baby? Ironically, following this joyous event, congregations often neglect or even ignore children in the first six years of life. Small children are shuffled into nurseries — often poorly equipped — because they make noise. 'Teaching' of small children often consists of a haphazard and random list of volunteers. Yet these early years are incredibly important. Physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual achievements are enormous in the first six years.

Parties, parenting and praying

On Tuesday morning my wife and I invited 10 small boys to help us celebrate our son's birthday party. When I was a child I squeezed the front brakes on my three-speed bicycle while flying around a gravel corner. That was not a wise decision either.

East Toronto presbytery sends same-sex issue to assembly

The Presbytery of East Toronto is sending an overture to General Assembly, asking it to establish a committee that will study same-sex marriage. The presbytery hopes the committee will report back to assembly within two years, providing clear direction to congregations and clergy that are asked to participate in the marriages of same-sex couples. The motion was passed with little discussion.

The Ways We Minister : Parish nurses provide holistic healing

"There are a lot of frustrations in the health care system," said Amy Tolhurst, Quebec's only parish nurse. Officially she is the parish nurse for the two Presbyterian congregations in Howick, a friendly little village, and Howick United. Unofficially, Tolhurst ministers to anyone who asks. "People tell me what their problems are and we work through it with them. For example, there is a lot of walking people through preparations for surgery. The confidence that they feel, I think that's the difference." Tolhurst is one of a small but growing group of nurses across the country that are helping to heal mind, body and spirit.

Monthly death tolls

Over the course of one month, as the missing were declared dead, the estimates of deaths due to the Asian tsunami rose to above 300,000. But, that wasn't the only horrendous death toll. Here is a listing of on-going death rates around the globe, each month.

Bigoted drivel

After the recent U.S. election, there were some serious doubts regarding some of the counting methods. Michael Coren refers to it as "the game of democracy". Surely he jests. He says "the very nature of free speech and political expression was challenged". Exactly my impression of his writing. Does he really believe that the Canadian Democrats lost? What did they lose? He also criticizes the quote "half of the United States wants to be like Canada, the other half like Iran". But that is jumping on a statement written by a fool. "In Canada", he says, "this is accepted as intelligent analysis". To use his statement, I've never seen such flummery and nonsense in my life. "A toxin of ignorance and bitterness flowed into the media bloodstream and poisoned the body politic."

Readers object to Coren's Christian Right

My blood was boiling after reading Michael Coren's sanctimonious column The Secular Left Blames The Christian Right. We are either in agreement with the platform of U.S. conservatives (which seems to be God's side) or, if we don't agree with that philosophy, we are part of the secular left, and are totally out of sync with God's teachings and are intolerant to boot.