
Government restriction hinders help to tsunami survivors

Restrictions on government subsidies given to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) may limit the help given to survivors of the tsunami. Donations are still being put to good use and CFGB is providing victims — particularly in India — with much-needed grain, rice and lentils. "We are responding," said CFGB executive director Jim Cornelius. "We just aren't able to use all of the funds from the government."

An accounting of AIDS

Presbyterians have responded by raising $92,000 for the Towards A World Without AIDS campaign. Already $80,000 has been allocated to support new work of our overseas church partners struggling to respond to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in their countries.

I now pronounce you … still confused

The Supreme Court opinion on gay marriage delivered in December is only one chapter in the long history of the issue in this country. Fundamental arguments aside, what is so surprising is how self-congratulatory people have been because the ruling claims to respect freedom of religion. In other words, we have been assured that clergy who refuse to marry gay couples will not face pressure or prosecution.

Celebrating Black History Month

Although historically Scottish in origin, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has several vibrant congregations with predominantly black and multicultural members. University Presbyterian, Toronto, Malvern and St. David's, Scarborough, Eglise St. Luc, Montreal, and the Ghanaian Churches in Montreal and Toronto all have a large black contingent.

Mennonite church applies

The Mennonite church has made an official application to join the Canadian Council of Churches. In a ceremony described by Principal Clerk Stephen Kendall as "a moving ecumenical moment for the Council," the application was welcomed. The Mennonites have a commitment to peace and justice. They will be named full members of the Council later this year. Seen here are Mr. Kendall (far left), Rev. Will Ingram, Sandra Demson (all from the PCC), Rev. Dr. Dan Nighswander, Rev. Peter Krause (the Mennonite Church) and Rev. Karen Hamilton, general secretary of the CCC.

The Nigeria Factor

When Nigerians gather, whether within their own country or in the diaspora, one expression will inevitably be brought up – "the Nigeria Factor". Self-deprecating and all inclusive, it is national "in-house" language or code. All Nigerians know what is intended, but they struggle to define it.

Licence to kill

It's been a terrible week. Our elderly cat was diagnosed with kidney failure, our newly built basement flooded with water from the winter rains, and Yelena was stabbed to death right over our heads.