Richard (Rick) Fee

The cross in interfaith dialogue

There is a challenge before us and our denomination's newly renamed Committee on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations. How can we understand, live with and appreciate people of other faiths while maintaining our Christian convictions? Is religion being manipulated to make this a more violent world, and does this cause strife between our neighbours and us? These questions lie at the core of interfaith dialogue.

Baking better bread

"What makes your 'call' as a ruling elder or clergy different from a job in the secular market place or a volunteer position in a social agency?" The question opened a workshop led by the Elders' Institute, a program of St. Andrew's Hall in Vancouver, in the Maritimes last October.

Salvadoran street minister says God hates religiosity

God wants "love, compassion and justice," said Baptist minister Ramon Ramirez. A native of El Salvador, Ramirez has devoted his life to ministering on the streets. He said God did not call the church to a "false religiosity" of empty liturgy, sacrifice, and ignoring the commandments, but a rich faith based on caring for the poor and fighting for social justice. Saying God hates religion, he pointed to the books of Amos, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Micah and Isaiah to stress this belief. "It is a very dangerous thing when one reaches a comfort level and strays from God's commandments," he said during an interview at church offices, speaking through Rev. Jim Patterson, a Presbyterian missionary and friend.

Arson threats to PCUSA condemned

The Presbyterian Church USA has come under fire for what some are calling "anti-Israel and anti-Jewish" attitudes. A letter addressed to PCUSA promised violence against Presbyterian churches, saying "they will go up in flames." The letter set a Nov. 15 deadline for the Church to reverse its Middle East policies. No attacks have been reported.

View World Vision as a partner

Why do the letter writers protesting your paid advertising for World Vision not see such agencies as partners rather than competitors? How much does the church denominational identity of the givers and deliverers of relief matter to the recipients? Are we motivated to give to world relief and development by compassion for those in need or denominational pride?

Church needs strategic plans and marketing

As a long term elder at Graceview Presbyterian, Etobicoke, I have been concerned with the shrinkage in membership of our national church. The Record over the past year has not only provided information on the decline but has reported success stories such as Oro Community Presbyterian in the Orillia area, Grace Calgary, and Central Vancouver, to name a few.

New clerk of finance

The finance department at 50 Wynford Drive is pleased to welcome Margaret Bucknole as the new senior clerk, accounts receivable. Born in Fraserborough, Scotland, she emigrated to Canada with her parents, Mary and Bill Noble, in the 1950's. Margaret lives in Pickering with her husband Chris and their three sons David, Andrew and Matthew. They are members at St. Andrew's, Ajax, Ont.

Must we dictate entry requirements?

I read the Moderator's November article, Ecumenism – A Canadian Product, with pleasure and pride in my country. I have the good fortune to live in an ecumenical community. I concur that Canada's gift to the world is acceptance, collaboration and mutual up-building. The CBC's Greatest Canadian contest recently reminded us of prime minister Pearson's role in that respect. Canada is definitely at the forefront in professing and acting upon Jesus' second great commandment.

Giving to PWS&D creates less stress

Regarding the last paragraph of David Harris' November editorial: “people on your list who already have everything they need.would be thrilled if you made a donation on their behalf to PWS&D.” What a brilliant suggestion! The idea prompted me to call my sister with whom I normally exchange Christmas gifts. However, I simplified it a bit, and suggested that she make her donation to a charity of her choice in her own church (she is Anglican), and I will make mine to PWS&D in my church. We are both happy knowing the gifts are so well delivering. and, you are right, additional income tax deductions.