
A Work in Progress

I stopped going to church when I started high school. I didn’t feel it did anything for me at all. Then a couple of years ago, two events started to gradually put my life into a new perspective.

Best Practices

Over the past six years, I have been in literally hundreds of churches. Many are in gradual decline and are searching for solutions to reverse direction. Sadly, almost all are going about it in exactly the wrong way.

Broken Yet Beloved

What if we shifted our approach to becoming smaller and more focused in our mission and ministry? What if we shifted our vision of church to a fellowship of communities less dependent on money?

The Cost of Discipleship

It was on the night of my mother’s 16th birthday, May 10, 1940, that the small kingdom of the Netherlands was invaded by neighbouring German troops. So instead of happy birthday greetings by family members, my mother was glumly told that morning: “It’s war.”