Stuart Coles


St. Andrew’s, King Street, in Toronto, has reissued a1972 recording in which 10 choristers and organist/director Douglas Bodle present 17 hymns from the 1972 Book of Praise.

The God He Loves

Lawrence Brice presents an explanation (an apologetic) in a popular, thoughtful way that reveals why the faith of the Christian is satisfying in both rational and experiential ways.

Want Young People in Your Church?

Our first Presbyterian Young People’s Society weekend was the catalyst that transformed our youth group from a small, improbable family affair into a vital, ongoing ministry. There is no single experience of PYPS. It once thrived in every synod in the country.

Meet Jesus…

A video was posted on the PCC’s Facebook page earlier this year. In it various people give very candid responses to why they don’t go to church: Their excuses sound very familiar. “I’m nervous.” “I don’t like hypocrites.” “I’m not sure about my faith.”