
Tanzanian churches oppose uranium mining

Protestant churches in Tanzania have cautioned the government against extracting uranium deposits recently discovered in the East African country, noting that Germany plans to close its nuclear power stations by 2022 and the Japanese city of Fukushima is still recovering from the 2011 earthquake-caused nuclear disaster.

A Kairos Moment

My mission is the witness of a Palestinian Christian woman whose life has been closely affected by the Palestine/Israel conflict for over 64 years.

An Assessor Elder’s Reflections on HanCa Presbyteries

I was interested to read the report of the HanCa presbyteries for two important reasons.

One, I was at the General Assembly when the HanCa presbyteries were established and as a former clerk of presbytery, I was extremely interested to know how this new and innovative change in our structure had fared.

Two, recently I served for over 15 months as an assessor elder with a Korean congregation in Montreal.

Prayer Action

This is not an easy book to read. The topics are difficult, and the situations are meant to make you uncomfortable. But as I read it, I experienced an incredible feeling of God’s presence and I began to see answered prayers everywhere.