Keith Randall

Coming Home

What a difference a decade has made! In 2004, Montreal West was facing closure. Today, Montreal West counts some 140 members and adherents, many of them English-speaking Cameroonians from nearby suburbs, who have made the congregation one of the fastest growing in the presbytery. What made the difference?

Surprised by Joy

Are you familiar with the concept of choosing a word of the year? The idea is to pick a word to focus on, meditate on and reflect on in daily life throughout the year. In January 2015, 
I chose the word joy.

A Fragile Bereavement

For Sarah, the picture of the fetus on her ultrasound confirmed that it was a reality. And when Sarah lost her first baby in the 16th week of her pregnancy, being told she was “only four months along” made it no easier to lose.

Joyful and Heartbreaking

This was the third time in four days that Canadian troops had gathered to say goodbye to friends in arms. This piece of tarmac in Kandahar is holy ground, as chaplains from Canada and allied countries have said many prayers, and comforted many more soldiers.