
Tilling and Seeding

While the congregation faced dwindling resources and discouragement, Rev. Alex Douglas saw pure potential. The unimposing, single-story church sits across the street from a profusion of new suburban houses—a mission field just beyond the doorstep.

Energy and Hope

After four years of work and waiting, Westmount Presbyterian in Edmonton is set to become the site of Canada’s first zero-net energy townhouse development, providing energy efficient homes for low income and refugee families in the city.

Meet a 2016 Moderator Nominee: Rev. Wes Denyer

Rev. Wes Denyer is minister at Rosedale, Toronto. He has served as clerk, moderator and committee convener at the presbytery level, and has convened a number of national teams including the organization team behind the Stewards by Design conference and the design team behind the Emmaus Conference in 2010.

The Gender Imbalance

This year will mark the 50th anniversary of women’s ordination in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. So after half a century, what does the gender balance look like among our church’s ministers?