
Courage & God’s Call

I can see why John Calvin wanted to come to Strasbourg. Calvin described himself as “a man of the country and a lover of shade and leisure.” He was seeking, he wrote, a place where he could enjoy, “unknown, in some corner, the quiet long denied me.”

Flemingdon Community Mission, Toronto

There were plenty of smiles at a service of recognition for Rev. Dr. Glynis Williams (centre), associate secretary of International Ministries. The service, which was held on March 6, brought together friends, colleagues, national office staff and members of the presbytery and Life and Mission Agency.

Our Lady of Scars

Notre-Dame de Noyon stands only a street away from the site of Calvin’s childhood home. He would have grown up with the sound of the church’s bells
and the shadow of its towers.

Assembly Council Budgets for 2014

The Assembly Council spent the bulk of its November meeting dealing with finances. It endorsed a number of changes to the church’s pension plan and approved a set of 10 “budget principles” to guide the creation of the national church’s 2014 budget.