
Ministry by Youth

As a preacher’s kid, I grew up in Presbyterian churches in small Ontario towns. Church was always a part of my life. But there’s a difference, in my experience, between attending a church and being part of a church.

‘To Hear and Respond’

The organization known today as Presbyterian World Service and Development has a rich history. Its past is full of interesting characters, difficult situations, disasters—both natural and human-made—and a lot of love and devotion. Here are only a few of the highlights from 65 years of international aid.

On the Isle of Iona

There is a line from a song by John Bell of the Iona Community that has taken on new meaning for the pilgrims: “At night, as I dreamt, God summoned the day; for God never sleeps, but patterns the morning with slithers of gold or glory in grey.”

Ladies of Avenches

Although it’s now a small community surrounded by farms, Avenches was once the site of a Roman city (then called Aventicum). It was the capital of Rome’s Swiss province, and the fields are still dotted with ruins.

Dying for Faith

On our last day in Meaux, we visited a church founded by martyrs. The modest Reformed church, or “temple” in French, seems jarringly plain compared to the soaring Gothic cathedrals we’ve visited in the past few days.

Seeking Water in the Rubble

Today began in an obscure corner of the Bible: Genesis 26:12-18. You may have never heard the story, said Gerald Hobbs, one of the pilgrimage leaders, as we sat near one of the side chapels in Meaux’s immense cathedral.

Fear and Passion

I think we need to accept that what we do—if we’re going to do something new—might look very strange to other people. It might even look strange to people within our home tribe.